
Softcopy of Engineering Books. If you want a book{s} to be taken down, please contact me.

Engineering Books

Softcopy of Engineering (Electrical) and Computer Science Books. If you want a book(s) to be taken down, please contact me. I do not own any of the books. Just doing my part sharing books to fellow engineering students. Taken from different sources.

I will keep updating the books based on recommendations and requests from my colleagues or anyone else. If you want to give a recommendation, DM @gigahidjrikaaa via Instagram.

Take note that this repo can disappear at ANY time due to copyright reasons.

Personal Recommendations

This is the list of books that I personally recommend. These books are the ones that I use in my studies. Take note that I study Information Engineering at Universitas Gadjah Mada, where the 2021 curriculum is based on MIT curriculum (at least for the first 2 semesters).
This list is not sorted in any way. You can click on the name of the book to download it.

Linear Algebra

Gilbert Strang - Introduction to Linear Algebra [4th Edition]

Discrete Mathematics

Rosen - Discrete Mathematics and Its Application [8th Edition]

Differential Equation

Edwards, Penney, Calvis - Differential Equations and Boundary Value Problems, Computing and Modeling [6th Edition]


Randall D. Knight - Physics for Scientists and Engineers, A Strategic Approach [2nd Edition]

Halliday, Resnick - Fundamentals of Physics [10th Edition]

Complex Variable Analysis

Agarwal - Introduction to Complex Analysis

Calculus (Single and Multivariable)

Thomas' Calculus 13th Edition

Data and Computer Communications

Stallings - Data and Computer Communications [10th Edition]

Behrouz A. Forouzan - Data Communications and Networking

Object-Oriented Programming

Hall - Adaptive Code via C#: Agile Coding with Design Patterns and SOLID Principles

Clark - Beginning C# Object-Oriented Programming [2nd Edition]

Computer Architecture

Stallings - Computer Organization and Architecture, Designing For Performance [8th Edition]

Hennessy, Patterson - Computer Architecture, A Quantitative Approach [4th Edition]

Signals and Systems

Oppenheim, Wilsky, Nawab - Signals & Systems [2nd Edition]

Kamen, Heck - Fundamentals of Signals and Systems Using the Web and MATLAB [3rd Edition]

DC Circuit Analysis

Alexander, Sadiku - Fundamentals of Electric Circuits [4th Edition]

Numerical Methods

Hoffman - Numerical Methods for Engineers and Scientists [2nd Edition]

Basic Programming


Deitel - C++ How to Program [10th Edition]

Stroustup - The C++ Programming Language [4th Edition]


Giga Hidjrika Aura Adkhy (Infinicus)

Ahmad Zaki Akmal (ahmadzaki2975)