
Used for setting up blank Windows (and in the future Linux) development machines by using package managers such as Chocolatey and PowerShell (or Bash). The goal is to automate the setup process as much as possible.

Primary LanguagePowerShell

Developer Machine Setup Scripts

I've built this script to help setting up development machines, easier. I use it whenever I setup a new machine, even if it's not for development purposes (but mostly it is). Currently I only have a Windows-version of it, but I am considering a Linux-one as well.

The script is mainly using Chocolatey as a package manager for Windows out of a PowerShell script. It automates the setup process as far as possible, but not entirely. The reason for that is that some installations modify environment variables or even require a re-start. That means the script needs to be started in several phases.

Click here to get to the full documentation on my blog!

First I do install some pre-requisites, typically the following Windows Components:

  • .NET Framework 3.5
  • Hyper-V for virtualization and e.g. phone emulators

After that, I typically perform the following actions on a blank Windows machine:

# Enable Chocolatey and my script execution without being blocked
Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted

# 1st Script Execution - Installing Chocolatey 
.\Install-WindowsMachine.ps1 -installChoco 

# 2nd Script Execution - development environments
# Visual Studio I often install manually as mostly I need the Enterprise Edition
.\Install-WindowsMachine.ps1 -installVs -vsVersion 2015 -installOtherIDE

# 3rd Script Execution - remaining tools I typically use
.\Install-WindowsMachine.ps1 -tools -ittools -dev -data

# 4th Script Execution - Needs opening up a NEW PowerShell Window
#                        Installs Visual Studio Extensions, SDKs etc. that
#                        depend on the previous things being in the path.
#                        Also clonse github-repository I typically use.
.\Install-WindowsMachine.ps1 -dev2 -vsext -vsVersion 2015 -cloneRepos

# 5th Script Execution - Install Database servers (I don't do that on most machines)
.\Install-WindowsMachine.ps1 -dataSrv

There are many thoughts for improving the script. E.g. one I have is putting this all into a PowerShell workflow that can be restarted even after machine reboots from where it stopped before. But that will need some time - and since this is a spare-time project, I don't know when I'll get to it.

Finally - I am accepting pull requests for this, as well. So if you have an idea to improve the overall flow of the script, feel free to get into a pull request.

Happy Installing!!!