One ring to rule them all, one ring to bind them, one ring to lead them to their doom.
The snapshots of my dotfiles. This repository contains only the most essential configurations for programs and scripts. My goal is to make an ergonomic environment - mostly, I try to avoid using a mouse and automate the most commonly used actions. I like to follow the principles outlined in Unix philosophy.
The majority of my scripts are based on Lua(jit) with functional programming library Moses. At the boot of the system I load utility functions from init.lua
./ ├── clipster.lua ├── lua/ │ ├── init.lua │ ├── moses.list │ └── moses.lua ├── mpvc ├── mpv.lua ├── note.lua ├── pomodoro.lua ├── ├── ├── screenshot.lua ├── search.lua ├── todo.lua └── url.lua
Programs like Qutebrowser, Newsboat, and YTFZF have key bindings for two scripts that are responsible for managing multimedia - url.lua
, mpv.lua
. Scripts can be run from the terminal or using SXHKD (hotkey daemon). One of the functionalities is to save URLs in an m3u
playlist and handle it from the Rofi menu.
I try to use the Pomodoro technique and GTD (Getting Things Done). TimeWarrior is a time tracker that can be easily integrated with Task Warrior. Tasks can be managed using a TUI application: taskwarrior-tui. For Pomodoro, I built a script called pomodoro.lua
that allows me to run tasks from Rofi and display a clock on the polybar.
For managing my dots I use stow, but by aware that I sync configuration between my desktop and laptop, so some directories have to be created manually and after that you can make aliases. In this case, the root folder can’t be an alias.
./ ├── bspwm/ ├── fzf/ ├── mpv/ ├── newsboat/ ├── nvim/ ├── polybar/ ├── pqiv/ ├── qutebrowser/ ├── rofi/ ├── scripts/ ├── sxhkd/ ├── task/ ├── timewarrior/ ├── vifm/ ├── wezterm/ └── ytfzf/