
Log-Balanced Search Tree

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lbst - Immutable Log-Balanced Search Tree

prototype: With CPython, in so far, it is faster to use LBST with 1000+ items. wall-clock time benchmarks show that this datastructure becomes interesting with PyPy 3.7 with 100+ items.

pink sakura tree at daytime


Higher is better, less than one means copying is faster.

Small number of items = 20

cpython: ▇▇▇▇▇▇▇ 0.039
pypy   : ▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇ 0.262

Large number of items = 1000

cpython: ▇▇ 0.9489
pypy   : ▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇ 20.15

Kesako a Log-Balanced Search Tree?

  • A search tree is a dictionary that preserves ordering according to an user specified function, also known under the name sorted dictionary.

  • In the original description of the algorithm, LBST used a logarithm function to decide how to balance the tree.

Kesako an immutable datastructure?

Immutable datastructures, also known under the name persistent datastructures are datastructures that will produce new values instead of changing, mutating, the value in-place.

Immutable datastructures are useful in situations where you need to keep around previous versions of the data to have an history to ease debugging or to implement an undo feature such as in editors; another way immutable datastructures can be put to good use is to keep the data consistent in a concurrent or parallel programming setting, while a flow of executition, the writer, produce a new version of the datastructure, the readers still have access the previous version of the truth without requiring readers to wait for the writer to finish achieving single-writer / multiple readers without locks.

When is an immutable datastructure useful?

Anytime you copy a big data structure, you may instead use an immutable datastructure.

What is the difference with dict insertion order?

Python builtin dict are sorted according to the time of insertion, if "z" is added to a dictionary first, then "a" is added, then the dictionary will have the keys in the following order ["z", ..., "a"]. That is not always the best approach performance-wise.

The following kind of code is a hint that you may use LBST:

frob = dict()
frob[key1] = value1
frob[key2] = value2
frob[key3] = value3

# then re-create the dictionary with an order given by `mykeyfunc`:
frob = {k: v for k in sorted(frob.keys(), key=mykeyfunc)

That is somekind of copy, see the previous hint, that re-orders the dictionary keys according to mykeyfunc in order for instance to speed up linear lookup. Using LBST, you can build a large dictionary that is sorted at construction time, save a few cycles by avoding a reconstruction, duplicated effort, copies, and keep the overall wall-clock time under control.


Return an immutable search tree, ordered according to Python builtin rich comparison, that can be overriden in user created types with the method called __lt__.

lbst.set(tree, key, value)

Return a tree based on tree where key is associated with value.

lbst.get(tree, key, default=None)

Return the value associated with key in tree. If key is not present in tree, returns default.

lbst.delete(tree, key)

Return a tree based on tree where key is not present.


Return the size of tree.


Return the smallest key present in tree.


Return the biggest key present in tree.


Return a cursor for tree. The initial position is not specified. A cursor is stateful: its position is changed / mutated in-place.


Return a cursor at the same position as cursor that does not share state with cursor.

lbst.cursor_seek(cursor, key)

Position cursor near key. If key is present in the tree associated with cursor, then the cursor will be exactly positioned on key and lbst.cursor_seek will return 0. Otherwise, when key is not present in the tree associated with cursor, there is two cases: 1) if the cursor is positioned after, then lbst.cursor_seek returns 1, and 2) if the cursor is positioned before, then lbst.cursor_seek return -1.

In other words, lbst.cursor_seek:

  • Return -1, then cursor is before key;
  • Return 0, then cursor is on key;
  • Return 1, then cursor is after key.


Return the key associated with cursor.


Return the value associated with cursor.


Move cursor to the next position, that is a bigger key that is just after the current key. Returns False if cursor reached the end of the key space i.e. there is no next key. Otherwise, it returns True.


Move cursor to the previous position, that is a smaller key that is just before the current key. Returns False if cursor reached the start of the key space i.e. there is no previous key. Otherwise, it returns True.


Return a dict representation of tree. The returned dict has the keys in the same order as tree.