

Observation Space Reward NN structure Method-Hyper params state Results
Default Time-step dependent Default Default (?) (?)
GLM_paper + foot normal force + prev_action Iteration dependent velocity (sampling around zero -> sampling around 2) Default Default Done Better learning curve (eps_length = 980 at around 500 thousand iters)
GLM_paper + foot normal force + prev_action Iteration dependent velocity (sampling around one with zero variation -> sampling around 1 with 1 variation) Default Default Underconstruction The learning curve seems to be worse than the previous one, but the motion seems (visually) better. Needs more test with fixed speed
Default Default Default andom Initialization of the robot state (?) (?)
Default Foot slipage Default Default work in progress (by alex :)) (?)
Default air-time Default Default Done Converged quickly also (around 400 000 steps), difficult to say improvement, but locomotion looks good
Default Smooth action (difference between actions in time-steps) Default Default (?) (?)

LR Course

  1. Observation space

    • Body: {orientation, velocity, angular velocity}
    • Joints: {position, velocity}
    • Robot height (z)
    • CPG feedback: {$\theta$, $r$, $\phi$, $\dot{\phi}$}
    • History: {last_action}
    • Distance to goal
    • Heading to goal
  2. Reward

    • Distance increment to goal: $10 * ||d_{last} - d_{current}||^2$
    • Direction to goal: $-0.01 * |\theta_{goal}|$
    • Survival reward: $0.01t$
    • velocity in z: $-||v_z||^2$
    • Roll/pitch: $-0.005*||[\omega_{\theta},\omega_{\phi}]||^2$
    • Smooth action: $-0.05*||a_t - a_{t-1}||^2$
    • Energy: $-0.001energydt$
  3. Curriculum learning

    • New coefficient $k_l = min(1,e^\frac{T-500000}{50000})$
    • $k_l$ multiplies following reward to make them 0 in the beginning: velocity z, roll/pitch, direction, last action
    • $(1-k_l)$ multiplies this survival to make it near zero after 500000 timesteps