
Ronia marketplace index server

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Ronia Index Server

Index server of Ronia market place.


  1. Clone the project using git clone https://gitlab.com/1gnftm/nft-market-server.git command (or via SSH).

  2. Go to the project root directory and run npm i command.

  3. Create a file named config/env/development.env and add the following properties:


  1. Clone the Ronia Core project and run a local node using npx hardhat node.

  2. compile the contracts in Ronia Core project using npx hardhat compile.

  3. Copy and paste generated abi jsons from Ronia Core artifacts directory to Ronia Server src/contracts/<contract-name>.json.

  4. Depoly contracts from Core to local node using: npx hardhat run --network localhost scripts/0-deploy.ts

  5. Copy and Paste contract addresses to .env in Ronia Core and config/env/development.env in Ronia Server.

  6. Install MongoDB server on your machine. It depends on your environment (Windows or Linux). MongoDB Default address has been added to src/app.module.ts.

  7. In case you need to run the Ronia Server Project, run npm run start:dev otherwise, you can just start Listening to contract events using pm2 start listener.sh --watch.

Download and install pm2 with npm install pm2 -g.