
Hamster kombat Agent (Bot thats mine autimatically hamster coin and profit &..)

Primary LanguagePython

Hamster Kombat Agent (BOT)

Hamster Kombat Agent (Bot for Auto Tap & Claim) Without APP_ID and HASH_ID Telegram!

Join Here : Hamster Kombat

💸 2k Coins bonus using the link above


Install with python

1. Download Python 3.10+
2. Install Module (pip install requests colorama)
3. Open Hamster Kombat Bot on PC (Telegram Desktop)
4. Inspect Element > Application > Session Storage > Select Hamster Kombat > Take tgWebAppData
5. Right click then copy value (query_id=xxxx or user=xx) paste in initdata.txt
6-1. You can run python file with this command : python hamster.py
6-2. Or You can run just tapping bot in a loop with click on "run_just_tap_loop.bat" file
7. python hamster.py

Features of Agent

  • Auto Claim Task
  • Auto Tap (1x Tap energy runs out)
  • Semi Auto Claim Cipher
  • Auto Checkin Daily
  • Auto Refresh token
  • Auto Upgrade Multitap (Removed)
  • Auto Upgrade Energy (Removed)
  • Auto Upgrade Minning (Removed)

What's new?

  • Semi auto claim daily combo Just input the combo ID, for example: Combo 1: influencers Combo 2: meme_coins Combo 3: shit_coins

  • Smart Auto Upgrade Only Upgrade with best profit per hour and cheapest price

  • Upgrade List Please delete what you don't want / add what you want