
solving TSP with genetic algorithm

Primary LanguagePython


solving TSP with genetic algorithm


  • in parameters.txt there is an analysis for each parameter.
  • My analysis is also for hte bayg29. I ran the code for 1000 times and made average and best case for each parameter.
  • you can change the cities if you like. but notice you have to change "size" too.


run the code with python 2.


  1. We consider every path as gene like this : [0,1,3,2,0]
  2. each gene starts from city 0 and come back to it at the end of the cycle. and between the two zeros we have every number from 1 to 20(the number of the cities.).
  3. first we make 40 Genes randomly and sort them by their fitness and select the best 50% of them.
  4. in each generation we make a mutation in every gene.
  5. this is how the mutation work: it takes two random number between 1 and 20. if the numbers are different it swap the to indexes in the gene so that a new gene creates.
  6. we will add each new gene to our population.
  7. after the mutations we take the best N% genes sorted with their fitnesses.
  8. we stop the algorithm when the best fitness doesn't change for 1000 times.