
The Question Answering Model presented in this repository is built on BERT (Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers), a state-of-the-art transformer-based architecture tailored for natural language processing tasks.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Question Answering Model (BERT Base Cased)

The Question Answering Model presented in this repository is built on BERT (Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers), a state-of-the-art transformer-based architecture tailored for natural language processing tasks. Specifically, the model utilizes "bert-base-cased," a pre-trained version of BERT on cased English text. The primary objective of this model is to excel in question-answering tasks, where it interprets and responds to questions based on the provided information.

BERT Architecture: BERT's architecture is defined by its transformer-based design, featuring attention mechanisms and self-attention mechanisms across multiple layers. Its bidirectional contextual awareness allows it to understand the meaning of words in relation to their complete context, enabling a more nuanced comprehension of language semantics.

Key Features:

  • Cased English Text: The chosen instantiation, "bert-base-cased," is configured to work with cased English text. This distinction is crucial as it enables the model to distinguish between uppercase and lowercase characters, retaining essential information in the language.

  • Pre-training: BERT is pre-trained on extensive and diverse text material, exposing it to a wide range of linguistic contexts. This process allows the model to acquire contextual representations of words and phrases.

Training and Validation: The model is trained on a dataset supplied from a JSON file containing pairs of questions and related responses. A separate validation dataset is used to assess the model's performance during training, helping to detect overfitting and ensure robust generalization.

Hyperparameters and Settings: The model's behavior during training is governed by a set of hyperparameters and training settings, including maximum sequence length, number of training epochs, batch sizes, and more.

Metrics: Evaluation metrics such as accuracy, recall, and F1 score are employed to quantify the model's ability to generate relevant and accurate responses.

Usage: The model can be interactively tested through the provided link, where users can input questions based on a sample context, and the model generates corresponding answers.

Live Link to Model: Question Answering Model (BERT Base Cased)

Sample Result image