
Online classrooms application using WebRTC

Primary LanguageJavaScript

WebRTC Online Classrooms

A Small Project that leverages the Licode WebRTC communications platform to create virtual classrooms using the relatively new WebRTC standard.


The Licode WebRTC communications platform

The Licode WebRTC communications platform is basically a media server that acts as an MCU. While WebRTC is traditionally peer to peer, full-mesh communications are not scalable. Basically a presenter cannot upload multiple video and audio streams to more than a few peers simultaneously due to bandwidth constraints. So instead the presenter uploads video and audio to the Licode server once and the server which will (presumably) have a higher bandwidth can send the streams to the peers.


This project is still under development. A working feature-complete prototype will be available by August 2016.

Setting up a development environment

  1. Install a Licode server using the instructions at http://lynckia.com/licode/install.html

    • You'll need to install this on a linux machine, Preferably Ubuntu 14. For development a virtual machine will work fine.
    • This can be the same server you deploy the application's server.
  2. Make sure you have NPM and Node installed.

  3. Clone this repo

    git clone https://github.com/amirvt/webrtc-online-classrooms.git
    cd webrtc-online-classrooms/
    npm install
  4. Edit the project config file to match your Licode server setup and change SERVER_IP in /src/constants/serverconstants.js to your node server's ip.
    In a production enviroment, you should set a new id and secret.

  5. Run npm install in the root and /server

  6. Run the server with node server/index.js

  7. To run the client in development mode using a webpack server use the npm start -s command (This will enable debugging middleware and hot reloading)
    To build the client, run the npm run build -s command. This will build the app in the /dist directory. I've set up the express server to statically serve the files in /dist. So by default the client is on port 3015 on your signalling server.

    If you're setting up everything on the same server you'll want to change the ports in /tools/srcServer.js and /tools/distServer.js to something other than 3000 as the Licode server defaults to 3000.

Setting up https

Setting up https for the Licode server

You'll need to do this to be able to use screen capturing.

Open licode/scripts/licode_default.js Change the settings as below:

config.erizoController.hostname = 'your_server_hostname_include_domain_name'; //default value: ''
config.erizoController.port = 8443; //default value: 8080
// Use true if clients communicate with erizoController over SSL
config.erizoController.ssl = true; //default value: false
// This configuration is used by erizoController server to listen for connections
// Use true if erizoController listens in HTTPS. SSL certificates located in /cert
config.erizoController.listen_ssl = true; //default value: false
config.erizoController.listen_port = 8443; //default value: 8080

Finally, replace both cert.pem and key.pem in /cert directory with your own cert files. Instructions for creating a self-signed certificate can be found in this article.