
An example of wisdom application running on OpenShift

Primary LanguageHTML


This is an example of Wisdom application running on OpenShift (The RedHat PASS: https://www.openshift.com/).


You just need an OpenShift account.

The repository

The repository contains:

  • an exploded version of the application
  • two hooks to start and stop the application

To get the exploded application, just take the zip file generated by Wisdom and unzip it. Then create the following structure:


The start and stop file are the OpenShift hooks.

The start file contains:

sh $OPENSHIFT_HOMEDIR/chameleon.sh -Dhttp.port=$OPENSHIFT_DIY_PORT -Dhttp.address=$OPENSHIFT_DIY_IP

The stop file contains:

sh $OPENSHIFT_HOMEDIR/chameleon.sh stop

Don't forget to add the execution permission on these files (chmod +x *)

Once this is done, push the project on a git repository.

Creating the OpenShift application

  1. Log in on OpenShift
  2. Create a new application
  3. Use the 'DIY' Cartridge
  4. Give the url of your git repository

That's all!