
titus-isolate applies isolation primitives to workloads running on a given agent in an attempt to control the impact of "noisy neighbors" depending on user requirements.

Install Dependencies

First we setup a virtual environment.

$ virtualenv env
New python executable in <OMITTED>
Installing setuptools, pip, wheel...done.
$ . env/bin/activate

Then we install the package.

$ python3 install
running install
running build
running build_py
running build_scripts
running install_lib
running install_scripts
changing mode of <OMITTED>/titus-isolate/venv/bin/titus-isolate to 755
changing mode of <OMITTED>/titus-isolate/venv/bin/ to 755
running install_egg_info
Removing <OMITTED>/titus-isolate/venv/lib/python3.7/site-packages/titus_isolate-0.SNAPSHOT-py3.7.egg-info
Writing <OMITTED>/titus-isolate/venv/lib/python3.7/site-packages/titus_isolate-0.SNAPSHOT-py3.7.egg-info

See Usage for starting the titus-isolate server.


In order to use titus-isolate two components must cooperate. A server subscribes to events from Docker and workloads adhere to a container labeling convention.


The server must be started with three arguments indicating the structure of the CPU which workloads will consume.

$ titus-isolate --help
Usage: titus-isolate [OPTIONS]

  --admin-port INTEGER  The port for the HTTP server to listen on (default:
  --help                Show this message and exit.

The server will automatically determine the topology of the CPU on which it is running. It supports MacOS and Linux systems today. It requires that the python method platform.system() return either Darwin or Linux. For example:

$ python
Python 3.7.0 (default, Oct  2 2018, 09:20:07)
[Clang 10.0.0 (clang-1000.11.45.2)] on darwin
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import platform
>>> platform.system()


Workloads must indicate that they are opting into isolation by the titus-isolate component. They do this through the Docker conatainer label mechanism.

Workloads must provide two pieces of information: number of "cpus" and workload type.

  • cpus: an integer indicating an abstract amount of processing capacity which may refer to threads or cores depending on the underlying hardware.
  • type: one of either "static" or "burst"

This information is provided using the following labels: and

If a titus-isolate server is already running on the current host we could add a workload as follows.

$ docker run --rm -l -l ubuntu:latest sleep 30

We should expect to see logs like the following emitted by the server.

30-10-2018:18:40:16,789 INFO [] Adding workloads: ['frosty_swartz']
30-10-2018:18:40:16,791 INFO [] Assigning '2' thread(s) to workload: 'frosty_swartz'
30-10-2018:18:40:16,791 INFO [] Claiming package:core:thread '0:0:0' for workload 'frosty_swartz'
30-10-2018:18:40:16,791 INFO [] Claiming package:core:thread '0:0:32' for workload 'frosty_swartz'
30-10-2018:18:40:16,791 INFO [] workload: 'frosty_swartz' updated threads from: '[]' to: '[0, 32]'
30-10-2018:18:40:16,791 INFO [] Found footprint updates: '{'frosty_swartz': [0, 32], 'burst': [1, 33, 2, 34, 3, 35, ... 30, 62, 31, 63]}'

Above we see that the launched static workload is assigned two particular threads: 0 and 32 and generates updates indicating that the pool of threads available for burst workloads has changed.



The first isolation primitive to be applied is the CPU affinity capability enabled by the cpusets cgroup.

Workloads are categorized into either static or burst categories. Each choice of workload type comes with a cost/benefit trade off.

  • static
    • benefit: the workload will be isolated to the greatest possible, leading to more consistent performance
    • cost: the workload opts out of consuming unallocated CPU capacity
  • burst
    • benefit: the workload may consume unallocate CPU capacity
    • cost: the workload opts in to less isolation from other workloads, and will see greater variance in performance depending on CPU usage

Each static workload is assigned a set of threads to which they have exclusive access. All burst workloads share all those threads which are not claimed by static workloads.

The primary placement algorithm is implemented in titus-optimize and relies on solving an integer program. Please refer to titus-optimize for further details. Once all the static workloads have been placed, burst workloads get the remaining CPU capacity.


We use tox to run tests. After setting up a virtual environment, requirements and tox must be installed.

(venv) $ pip3 install -r requirements.txt
(venv) $ pip3 install tox
(venv) $ tox


titus-isolate provides a few read only endpoints to observe the operation of the server.

Unless otherwise stated, in the following examples we started the titus-isolate server with the following options.

$ ./ --package-count 1 --cores-per-package 4 --threads-per-core 2 --admin-port 5555

One workload was started as follows.

$ docker run --rm -l -l ubuntu:latest sleep 30


GET /workloads

This endpoint provides the id, type burst or static and thread count requested by a workload.

$ curl -s localhost:5555/workloads | jq
    "id": "pedantic_hermann",
    "type": "static",
    "thread_count": 1


GET /cpu

This endpoint describes the structure of the CPU as well as the ids of the static workloads which have claimed particular threads.

$ curl -s localhost:5555/cpu | jq
  "packages": [
      "id": 0,
      "cores": [
          "id": 0,
          "threads": [
              "id": 0,
              "workload_id": "pedantic_hermann"
              "id": 4,
              "workload_id": null
          "id": 3,
          "threads": [
              "id": 3,
              "workload_id": null
              "id": 7,
              "workload_id": null


GET /violations

This endpoint reports information regarding sub-optimal mapping of workloads to threads. Two violation types are reported: cross package and shared_core.

  • cross package indicates that a workload has been assigned threads on more than one package.
  • shared core indicates that a physical core is being shared by more than one workload.

In the example output below carefully chosen static workload sizes were chosen to force violations.

$ curl -s localhost:5555/violations | jq
  "cross_package": {
    "elastic_poitras": [
  "shared_core": {
    "0:3": [
    "1:1": [
    "1:3": [

Cross package violations are a list of key/value pairs where key and value are as follows.

  • key: workload id
  • value: and a list of package ids respectively.

In the example above the workload elastic_poitras is running on packages 0 and 1.

Shared core violations are a list of key/value pairs where key and value are as follows.

  • key: <package_id>:<core_id>
  • value: [workload_id...]

In the example above core 3 on package 0 has two workloads on it: cranky_wright and elastic_poitras.

Workload Manager Status

GET /workload_manager/status

The workload manager is the core event processing and update generating component of titus-isolate. We expose a status endpoint in order to inspect its status.

$ curl -s localhost:5555/status | jq
  "workload_manager": {
    "removed_count": 9,
    "error_count": 0,
    "added_count": 13,
    "success_count": 44,
    "workload_count": 4
  "event_manager": {
    "error_count": 0,
    "processed_count": 63,
    "success_count": 189,
    "queue_depth": 0

The workload manager is constantly processing a queue of events for adding, removing and re-balancing workloads.

  • queue depth: goes to zero very quickly in a properly operating system
  • success count: a count of the number of events it has processed successfully
  • error count: indicates how many events it failed to process

Build a Debian package

First build the docker image used as a build environment.

$ docker build -t deb release/

Then return to the root of the source code and run an instance of the image.

$ docker run --rm -v $PWD:/src deb:latest
Removing old debs
Removing dist directory
Setting up virtualenv (env)
dpkg-buildpackage: full upload (original source is included)
Copying debian package to host
$ ls titus-isolate_*

The result is a debian package that when installed creates the elements needed for instantiating a virtual environment with all needed dependencies and scripts. For example one could execute the server as follows.

$ sudo dpkg -i titus-isolate_0.SNAPSHOT-1_all.deb
$ /usr/share/python/titus-isolate/bin/titus-isolate
05-11-2018:19:01:21,265 INFO [titus-isolate:22] Modeling the CPU...
05-11-2018:19:01:21,307 INFO [titus-isolate:26] Setting up the workload manager...