Concept extraction tool in JAVA which extracts information like medical problems, treatments and tests from medical discharge summaries. It is used by Clinical Data Extraction Software suite.
- dragon-toolkit
- semantic-vectors
- javatuples-1.2
- mysql-connector
- One package handles the distributional semantics part - sample.randomeindexing
- sample.umls.SqlHandles gets the problem, tests and treatments from SQL database
- sample.i2b2 finally trains the CRF model and outputs it
- sample.i2b2.ThesaurusPipe is a custom pipe implemented which can be used in BANNER
- sample.i2b2.CorpusHandler handles the i2b2 corpus and makes similarity matrix
- sample.i2b2.ConceptTagger calls the BANNER and generates the CRF model
- banner.tagging.CRFTagger contains the features used in CRF
- The generated CRF model is loaded
- The untagged document should be labeled by some model IOB(preferably), pipe symbol separated
- properties.txt contains the additional info which is required by the component
- The model which was loaded takes in the untagged document and outputs the tagged words and then accordingly xml list is made out of the tags where a problem is tagged like <problem>---</problem>