
Farcaster command-line tools

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Farcaster command-line tools.

Warning: These scripts have not been tested extensively. Use them at your own risk!


Using Homebrew (macOS)

fario is still a "tap" (a third-party repository). This means that installing it will compile everything and it will take some time, depending on your computer.

That said, you can try:

  • brew tap vrypan/fario to configure the tap.
  • brew install fario to install.

Using pip (python)

pip install fario

(Any help packaging these scripts as a brew recipe, apt package, etc., will be appreciated!)

Commands: fario-out, fario-in, fario-signers, fario-cast, fario-config, fario2json, json2fario, fario-id-byname, fario-account.

Most of these command will require you to have access to a Farcaster hub: How to get access to a hub.

After installing

Most of the commands need a number of parameters (such as keys, fids, endpoints, etc.) and typing them again and agian is taxing. Run fario-config make to create a configuration. Save it to ~/.fario and add the values you don't want to type every time.


fario has become quite powerful. Using with other cli tools available on a unix system, you can do things like this just using your terminal and a farcaster hub.

fario-out --casts $(fario-fid-byname vrypan.eth) | \
fario2json | \
jq '.[].data.timestamp' | \
sort -r | \
xargs -L1 -I {} dc -e "{} 1609459200 + p"  | \
xargs -L1 -I{}  date -r {} +"%Y-%m" | \
uniq -c | \
awk '{ print $2, $1}' | termgraph

2023-10: ▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇ 282.00
2023-09: ▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇ 271.00
2023-08: ▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇ 55.00
2023-07: ▇▇▇▇ 24.00
2023-06: ▇▇ 12.00
2023-05: ▏ 4.00
2023-04: ▇ 11.00
2023-03: ▇▇▇▇▇▇ 39.00
2023-02: ▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇ 85.00
2023-01: ▇▇▇▇▇▇▇ 44.00
2022-12: ▇ 9.00
2022-11: ▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇ 46.00
2022-10: ▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇ 72.00
2022-09: ▇▇▇ 20.00
2022-08: ▇▇▇▇ 26.00
2022-07: ▇ 10.00

Visit the HOWTO folder to learn more.

Data format

Most of the scripts bellow pipe farcaster Message objects in and/or out. To make the payload command-line friendly, we serialize it and encode it using base64. So where "far data" is mentioned bellow, this is a protobuf Message converted like this: base64(serialize(Message)). See: Working with "far"-encoded data.


fario-out is used to export data from a farcaster hub.

usage: fario-out [-h] [--version] [--casts] [--links] [--recasts] [--likes] [--inlinks] [--profile] [--all] [--limit LIMIT] [--hub HUB] [--wait WAIT] fid

Export Farcaster data.

positional arguments:
  fid            Export messages from fid=FID

  -h, --help     show this help message and exit
  --version      show program's version number and exit
  --casts        User casts
  --links        User links
  --recasts      User recasts
  --likes        User likes
  --inlinks      Inbound links for user
  --profile      User profile data
  --all          Equivalent to --casts --links --recasts --likes --profile
  --limit LIMIT  Number of records. If more than one types of data are exported, the limit applies to each one separately.
  --hub HUB      Use the hub at <HUB>. Ex. --hub
  --wait WAIT    Wait for <WAIT> milliseconds between reads.


fario-out --casts --limit=3 280


The result is 3 lines of text. Each line is the corresponding farcaster message serialized and base64 encoded.

It is easy to decode a message using fario2json.

echo "CqUBCAEQmAIYhOWVKiABKpYBGhkIiDMSFFjk62TSNRH2rMWwEezWa3Xb33x2IktBZ3JlZSEgSGVyZSBpcyBvbmUgdGFrZSBvbiB0aGlzLiBodHRwczovL3dhcnBjYXN0LmNvbS92cnlwYW4uZXRoLzB4ODI3Njc0NzEyLAoqaHR0cHM6Ly93YXJwY2FzdC5jb20vdnJ5cGFuLmV0aC8weDgyNzY3NDcxEhTILBREMcmuwueQCDk9x61xVV1tMhgBIkCWEPcLABM+JJ8BM+BneFimHlbUpwfB0F6MqmQzKkMN++raovDlVrUzUcvoxggyHjBZV3UbXXMhKpjvwZ6jdf0JKAEyIGojm0P59c/uG4Is6+7zhoo5SXFmMNoxXWaWWNDLn59I" | ./fario2json | jq
    "data": {
      "type": 1,
      "fid": 280,
      "timestamp": 88437380,
      "network": 1,
      "cast_add_body": {
        "parent_cast_id": {
          "fid": 6536,
          "hash": "0x58e4eb64d23511f6acc5b011ecd66b75dbdf7c76"
        "text": "Agree! Here is one take on this. https://warpcast.com/vrypan.eth/0x82767471",
        "embeds": [
            "url": "https://warpcast.com/vrypan.eth/0x82767471"
    "hash": "0xc82c144431c9aec2e79008393dc7ad71555d6d32",
    "hash_scheme": 1,
    "signature": "0x9610f70b00133e249f0133e0677858a61e56d4a707c1d05e8caa64332a430dfbeadaa2f0e556b53351cbe8c608321e305957751b5d73212a98efc19ea375fd09",
    "signature_scheme": 1,
    "signer": "0x6a239b43f9f5cfee1b822cebeef3868a3949716630da315d669658d0cb9f9f48"

Try: fario-out --all --limit=5 2 | fario2json | jq


fario-in is used to post data (messages) to a farcaster hub. Input is read from stdin and it is expected to be base64 encoded serialized protobuf messages, like the ones exported by fario-out.

fario-in --help

usage: fario-in [-h] [--version] [--hub HUB] [--wait WAIT]

Send messages to Farcaster hub.

  -h, --help   show this help message and exit
  --version    show program's version number and exit
  --hub HUB    Use the hub at <HUB>. Ex. --hub
  --wait WAIT  Wait for <WAIT> milliseconds between message submissions.


Add, remove, list signers and sign farcaster messages.

fario-signers --help

usage: fario-signers [-h] [--version] [--raw] {add,remove,list,sign} ...

positional arguments:

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --version             show program's version number and exit
  --raw                 Output raw values, tab separated.

fario-signers add

Create a new signer for an application and approve it using a user's private key.

fario-signers add --help

usage: fario-signers add [-h] [--provider PROVIDER] [--user-fid USER_FID] [--user-key USER_KEY] [--app-fid APP_FID] [--app-key APP_KEY]

Create a new signer. Using --raw will output tx_hash, user_fis, app_fid, signer_bublic_key, signer_private_key as a tab-separated list.

  -h, --help           show this help message and exit
  --provider PROVIDER  OP Eth provider endpoint
  --user-fid USER_FID  User's fid.
  --user-key USER_KEY  User's private key in hex.
  --app-fid APP_FID    Application's fid.
  --app-key APP_KEY    Application's private key in hex.

fario-signers remove

Remove a signer already approved by a user.

fario-signers remove --help

usage: fario-signers remove [-h] [--op_eth_provider OP_ETH_PROVIDER] [--user-key USER_KEY] signer

Remove a signer. Using --raw will output only the tx_hash.

positional arguments:
  signer                Signer's public key in hex.

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --op_eth_provider OP_ETH_PROVIDER
                        OP Eth provider endpoint
  --user-key USER_KEY   User's private key in hex.

fario-signers sign

It reads messages in "far" format from stdin, signs them using a new signer, and outputs them in far format to stdout.

fario-signers sign --help

usage: fario-signers sign [-h] [--signer SIGNER] [--keep-hash]

Read messages and sign (or re-sign) using a new signer. Reads from stdin, writes to stdout. In and out are in fario format.

  -h, --help       show this help message and exit
  --signer SIGNER  Signer's private key
  --keep-hash      Do not change the message hash.

Example: Compare the output (hashes, signers and signatures) of the following commands:

  1. fario-out --casts --limit=5 280 | fario2json | jq
  2. fario-out --casts --limit=5 280 | fario-signers sign <key> | fario2json

You could pipe the output of fario-signers sign to fario-in to post the new messages to a hub.

Posting these messages to a hub can fail for various reasons:

  1. Message hash is already posted. (i.e. you can repost the same message, even if the signature is changed)
  2. Signer is not approved by the user: You can't post messages from an fid that has not approved the signer.
  3. Message deleted: in many cases, deleting a cast leaves a "remove" message on the hubs, containing the removed messages hash. You can't post a new message with the same hash.


However, you can use fario-out to backup your content, remove a signer (which results in all mesages signed by it to be removed!), then use fario-signers sign and fario-in to re-sign them with a new signer and upload them to farcaster!


Displays detailed information about an fid.

usage: fario-account [-h] [--version] [--raw] [--hub HUB] [--fid] [--fname] [--name] [--addr] [--storage-rent] [--storage-limits] [--storage-usage] [--recovery] [--all] {byfid,byname} ...

positional arguments:

  -h, --help        show this help message and exit
  --version         show program's version number and exit
  --raw             Output raw values, tab separated.
  --hub HUB         Use the hub at <HUB>. Ex. --hub
  --fid             Print fid
  --fname           Print fname
  --name            Print name
  --addr            Print custody address
  --storage-rent    Print storage rent events
  --storage-limits  Print storage limits
  --storage-usage   Print storage usage
  --recovery        Print recovery address
  --all             Print all available information


$ fario-account --all byname dwr

address         0x6b0bda3f2ffed5efc83fa8c024acff1dd45793f1
fname           dwr
name            dwr.eth

Storage Units Rented
Units           Date                Paid by
2               2024-08-29T01:23:13 0x00000000fc94856f3967b047325f88d47bc225d0
10              2024-09-19T00:02:45 0xd7029bdea1c17493893aafe29aad69ef892b8ff2
1               2024-10-08T21:03:49 0x2d93c2f74b2c4697f9ea85d0450148aa45d4d5a2

Current Storage Limits
casts           65000
links           32500
reactions       32500
user_data       650
username_proofs 65
verifications   325

Current Usage
casts           15115
links           2684
likes           16467
recasts         2001
user_data       4
proofs          3
verifications   4

fario-account fromsecret

fario-account fromsecret will ask for your secret phrase ("seed", "mnemonic") and will calculate your custody wallet private key.

Unlike other commands in fario, this command DOES NOT read from stdin, but will prompt the user. This is done on purpose to avoid leaving traces of your seed phrase in shell history, and also to discourage using this command as part of automated flows where the user is expected to use their seed phrase.

$ fario-account fromsecret 

=== DANGER!!! ===
Revealing your secret phrase (seed or mnemonic) to someone, gives
them full control over your Farcaster account, including the ability
to move your fid to an other wallet!

This script will calculate your privet key using your secret phrase.
This script runs locally and does not send ANY data to any third party.

Do your own research before trusting anyone with your account's key
or mnemonic. This includes this script too.

Enter secret phrase:

Other commands

  • fario-cast: cast plain text messages (no mentions, or embeds).
  • fario-fid-byname: Get a username's fid