
fine-tune Whipser model for Taiwanese speech recognition

Primary LanguagePython


This repo aims to fine-tune the Whipser model for Taiwanese recognition.

We used the TAT dataset to fine-tune Whisper. However, since TAT is not open source, interested programmers are encouraged to fine-tune the model on the SuiSiann datasets instead. [See Reference ]

Prepare TAT dataset

  • run scripts/prepare_TAT.py


    python prepare_TAT.py --TAT_root /storage/speech_dataset/TAT/TAT-Vol1-train
    python prepare_TAT.py --TAT_root /storage/speech_dataset/TAT/TAT-Vol1-eval
  • You should implement your own dataset preparing script if you're not using TAT 台羅數字調. [See TODO]

Whisper Training

  • modify the input_arg of the config section in train.py. (This will be modified after hyperameter/config search. See TODO)
  • run train.py

Whisper Tokenization

An example of whisper tokenization. Currently we don't add language token [See TODO].

Input:                 tsu7-tsi2 ti7 to2-ui7?
Decoded w/ special:    <|startoftranscript|><|transcribe|><|notimestamps|>tsu7-tsi2 ti7 to2-ui7?<|endoftext|>
Decoded w/out special: tsu7-tsi2 ti7 to2-ui7?
Are equal:             True

A Super Initial Result

A super prelimanary result of fine-tuning whisper-base on TAT-Vol1-train split for 4 epcohs and tested on TAT-Vol1-eval split.

The hyperpameters and architecures are not searched at all. [See TODO]

{'eval_loss': 0.5776590704917908, 'eval_cer': 0.1885265649136233, 'eval_wer': 0.615572355497351, 'eval_runtime': 469.404, 'eval_samples_per_second': 5.588, 'eval_steps_per_second': 0.699, 'epoch': 4.0}  

Some examples:

Ground Truth Prediction CER
'tau3 than3 tsit8-kua2 tsinn5 lai5 ka7 tshu3-lai7 sann1-thinn1.' 'tau1-thann1 tsit8 kua1-tsing5 lai5 ka7 tshu3-lai7 sann1 thinn5.' 0.16
'bun5-tsiong1 it4.' 'bun5-tsiong1 it4.' 0.0
'na2 hainn1 kua1 na2 tsau2 tng2-khi3 tshu3-lai7.' 'na2 hai7 kua1,na2 tsau2-tng5-kin1 tshu3-lai5.' 0.21
'u7 tso3 ang5-ku1-kue2.' 'u7 tso3 ang5-ku7-kue2.' 0.045
'a1-sing1 thiann1-tioh8 in1 a1-pa1 hiah4 tua7-siann1.' 'a1-sing1 khiann1-tioh8 in1 a1-pah4 hiah4 tua7-siann1.' 0.058
'hoo7 in1 e7-tang3 ka7 ti7 hak8-hau7 oh8--tioh8--e5,tsin1 iu2-han7 e5 bo2-gi2-bun5 îuî-tshi5 mai3 tng7-kin1!' 'hoo7 in1 e7-tang3 ka1-tiann7 au2 oh8-tioh8 e5 tsing1-iu2 an1-ne1 bu2-gi2-bun5 ui5-tshi5 mai3 tio7 king1 .' 0.299
'hit4 hang7 si7 tai5-uan5 bi2 bun5-hua3.' 'hi1-han3 si7 tai5-uan5 li2 bun5-hua3.' 0.154
'ka1-ti7 ka7 bin7 tsim3 lip8 tsui2--li2 e5 tang5-si5.' 'kah4 li2 ka7 in1-tsing1 u7-jip8-tui3-li7 e5 tang5-si5.' 0.385
'iah8-si7 kong2 tso3 tsit8 kiann7 tai7-tsi3 e7-tang3 sun7-sua3 tso3 ho2 ling7-gua7 tsit8 kiann7 tai7-tsi3.' 'iah8-si7 kong2 tso3 tsit8-kai2 tsi3 e7-tang3 sun7-sua3 tso3-ho2 tsit8-ka1 tai7-tsi3,e7-tang3 sun7-sua3 tso3-ho2-lin7-gua7 tsit4-kai3-tsi2.' 0.543
'sua3--loh8-lai5 khuann3 gi5-lan5-kuan7 bin5-a2-tsai3 ji7 ho7 e5 thinn1-khi3.' 'sua3-loh8-lai5 khuann3 gi5-lan5-kuan7 bin5-a2-tsai3 ji7 ho7 e5 khi1-khi3.' 0.0526


  • Report the prelimanary result
  • Report Error Rate
  • Add an example of Whisper tokenizing 台羅數字調
  • Check if we should implement a customized tokenizer
  • Check if we should add language tags (see sample)
  • Hyperparameter search for better performance
  • Architecture search (whisper- small, base, large, ...) for better performance
  • Implement 漢羅台文 regonition
  • Implement 台羅 recognition
  • Build a demo with Gradio
  • Refactor the code


* Most of the codes are inherited from this repo. Thank you Eric!