
Android Application built upon react-native to enable citizen collaborate to help finding a missing child.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Missing Child (Help Find Them) - Android Application

Repository of Face-Recognition API: https://github.com/karankapoor229/missing-child


A countless number of children go missing every year. The category of missing children include a number of problems including abduction or kidnapping of children by family members and by non-family members, run-away children or those forced to run away by family and surrounding circumstances, children who are in a difficult or aggressive environment, trafficked children, and lost children. The convention way of finding a missing person is to broadcast picture, from poster to News Channel. But this approach is very inefficient in finding them.


By leveraging artificial intelligence and machine learning, now its possible for computers to solve hard cognitive problems that at some point human brain was capable of. Here we are using Face Recognition to create a database of Missing people, and whenever someone try to ping any photo against it, an algorithm hits off thats start matching those photographs with available database and now with AI, missing people can be detected instantly. It will be an open-source product and free-to-use application that communities can use to help finding people and children in their neighbourhood.

With this application it is a missioned that no missing persons stays missing for long time and now everyone can help to accomplish this deed.


Its build with React-Native, and API is built upon python.

In The Media



Lost Person Fill Detail

Take a Photo