C Language Programs

This GitHub repository contains a collection of C language programs that cover various programming concepts and problem-solving techniques. The programs are designed to help programmers improve their understanding of the C language and enhance their coding skills.

Table of Contents

Program Title of Program Programming Solution
Prog. 01 # Pattern Program P01
Prog. 02 1,12,123,..Ladder P02
Prog. 03 1,22,333,4444...Ladder P03
Prog. 04 1,23,456,...Ladder P04
Prog. 05 12 Hour Time Format To 24 Hour Time Format P05
Prog. 06 2,5,6,30,10,91,14...Pattern P06
Prog. 07 A,BB,CCC...Pattern P07
Prog. 08 A,BC,DEF...Pattern P08
Prog. 09 Armstrong Number P09
Prog. 10 Binary Tree P10
Prog. 11 Block Pattern P11
Prog. 12 Butterfly Pattern For A Character P12
Prog. 13 Circular Queue P13
Prog. 14 Circular Doubly Ended Linked List P14
Prog. 15 Circular Linked List Using Header Node P15
Prog. 16 Concatenate Two Linked List P16
Prog. 17 Difference Between Sum Of Two Diagonals of A Matrix P17
Prog. 18 Double Ended Queue P18
Prog. 19 Double Ended Singly Linked List P19
Prog. 20 Doubly Linked List P20
Prog. 21 Employee Database Using Doubly Linked List P21
Prog. 22 Employee Details P22
Prog. 23 Evaluation Of Postfix P23
Prog. 24 Fibonacci Triangle P24
Prog. 25 Floyds Triangle P25
Prog. 26 Harshad Number P26
Prog. 27 Hashing Table P27
Prog. 28 Hello World P28
Prog. 29 Implementation Of Stack Using Singly Linked List P29
Prog. 30 Infix To Postfix P30
Prog. 31 Inserting And Deleting Element In Array P31
Prog. 32 Linked List Operations P32
Prog. 33 List Of All Queue Operations P33
Prog. 34 List Of All Stack Operations P34
Prog. 35 List Of All Array Operations P35
Prog. 36 Maximum And Minimum Of N Elements In Array P36
Prog. 37 Merging Two Arrays P37
Prog. 38 Multiplication Table Of A Number P38
Prog. 39 Next 15 Leap Year P39
Prog. 40 Next Date Calculation P40
Prog. 41 Operation On Graph P41
Prog. 42 Palindrome String P42
Prog. 43 Polynomial Using SSL P43
Prog. 44 Prime Numbers Between A Given Range P44
Prog. 45 Pyramid Pattern P45
Prog. 46 Queue Using Linked List P46
Prog. 47 Reverse A Number Using Recursion P47
Prog. 48 Reverse Of A Matrix P48
Prog. 49 Sorting In Ascending Order Array P49
Prog. 50 Sparse Matrix P50
Prog. 51 Special Sum P51
Prog. 52 String Operations Without Built-In Functions P52
Prog. 53 String Pattern Replace Desired Pattern P53
Prog. 54 Student Database Using Singly Linked List P54
Prog. 55 Sum Of Matrix Diagonal P55
Prog. 56 Tower Of Hanoi P56
Prog. 57 Transpose Of Matrix P57
Prog. 58 Triplets Sum Equal To Zero P58
Prog. 59 X Pattern For A Character P59


The programs in this repository serve multiple purposes:

  1. Learning: The programs are structured to help individuals learn and understand fundamental programming concepts such as loops, conditionals, data structures, algorithms, and more, using the C language.
  2. Practice: Users can practice their coding skills by implementing and experimenting with the programs, further reinforcing their understanding of the language and programming techniques.
  3. Reference: The repository can serve as a valuable reference for C programmers who need to quickly revisit specific program solutions or seek inspiration for their own projects.


To use the programs in this repository, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repository to your local machine using the git clone command or by downloading the ZIP file.
  2. Navigate to the program of interest using a C compiler or integrated development environment (IDE) that supports C.
  3. Compile the program using the appropriate compiler commands.
  4. Run the compiled program and observe the output.
  5. Study the code and experiment with modifications to further explore the concepts.

Feel free to explore the programs, modify them, and adapt them to suit your specific needs. Each program is accompanied by a programming solution, denoted by a reference code in the table. You can refer to the solution to understand the implementation details and logic behind each program.


Contributions to this repository are welcome! If you have additional C language programs that you believe would benefit others, feel free to submit a pull request. Please ensure that your programs follow good coding practices, include comments for clarity, and adhere to the existing structure and format of the repository.

When contributing, please provide a brief description of the program's purpose and functionality, along with any relevant usage instructions or examples.


The programs in this repository are provided under the MIT License. You are free to use, modify, and distribute the code for personal or commercial purposes. However, please attribute the original authors by retaining the license information in your derivative work.


While the programs in this repository have been carefully created and tested, they are provided as-is, without any warranty or guarantee of their correctness or suitability for any particular purpose. The authors and contributors of this repository are not liable for any damages or losses that may occur from the use of these programs.

Feedback and Support

If you encounter any issues, have questions, or would like to provide feedback, please open an issue in the repository. The community or repository maintainers will do their best to assist you.

We hope this repository helps you enhance your C programming skills and serves as a valuable resource for your learning journey. Happy coding!