
sbt plugin for spark-submit

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This sbt plugin provides customizable sbt tasks to fire Spark jobs against local or remote Spark clusters. It allows you submit Spark applications without leaving your favorite development environment. The reactive nature of sbt makes it possible to integrate this with your Spark clusters whether it is a standalone cluster, YARN cluster, clusters run on EC2 and etc.


As an awesome Scala developer, your Spark development experience is probably as follows:

# create assembly jar upon code change
sbt assembly
# coffee break as Scala builds
# transfer the jar to a cluster co-located host
scp target/scala-2.10/myproject-version-assembly.jar sparkcluster:myworkspace
# ssh into that launcher host
ssh sparkcluster
cd myworkspace
# fire spark-submit
$SPARK_HOME/bin/spark-submit --class not.memorable.package.applicaiton.class --master yarn --num-executor 10 \
  --conf some.crazy.config=xyz --executor-memory=lotsG \
  myproject-version-assembly.jar \

But it doesn't have to be that hard. With this plugin you can reduce above steps into:

sbt "sparkSubmitMyClass <additional custom app arguments...>"


This AutoPlugin automatically adds a sparkSubmit task to every project in your build, the usage is as follows:

sbt "sparkSubmit <spark arguments> -- <application arguments>"

For example

sbt "sparkSubmit --class SparkPi --"
sbt "sparkSubmit --class SparkPi -- 10"
sbt "sparkSubmit --master local[2] --class SparkPi --"

You can also define specialized SparkSubmit task, we recommend create a project/SparkSubmit.scala:

import sbtsparksubmit.SparkSubmitPlugin.autoImport._

object SparkSubmit {
  lazy val settings =
      Seq("--class", "SparkPi")

Then in the build.sbt, import the settings by:


With that you just gained a new sbt task called sparkPi which you can run by sbt sparkPi. The task automatically recompiles and repackages the JAR as needed. It starts the SparkPi example in local mode. You can change the default Spark master by specifying --master as you would with spark-submit. You can embed default Spark and/or Application arguments in the sbt task to cover you most common use cases. Please see below for more details for custom spark-submit task.


For sbt 0.13.6+ add sbt-spark-submit to your project/plugins.sbt or ~/.sbt/0.13/plugins/plugins.sbt file:

addSbtPlugin("com.github.saurfang" % "sbt-spark-submit" % "0.0.4")

Naturally you will need to have spark dependency in your project itself such as:

libraryDependencies += "org.apache.spark" %% "spark-core" % "1.4.0" % "provided"

"provided" is recommended as Spark is pretty huge and you don't need to include in your fat jar during deployment.


If you are running on YARN, you also need to add spark-yarn. For example:

libraryDependencies += "org.apache.spark" %% "spark-yarn" % "1.4.0" % "provided"

If you are submitting cross platform (e.g. from Windows to Linux), you need Hadoop 2.4+ which support platform neutral classpath separator. In those cases, you might need to exclude Hadoop dependencies from Spark first. For example:

libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
  "org.apache.spark" %% "spark-yarn" % "1.4.0" % "provided" excludeAll ExclusionRule(organization = "org.apache.hadoop"),
  "org.apache.hadoop" % "hadoop-client" % "2.4.0" % "provided",
  "org.apache.hadoop" % "hadoop-yarn-client" % "2.4.0" % "provided"

Finally you should use


to enable default YARN settings. This defaults the master to yarn-cluster whenever appropriate and append HADOOP_CONF_DIR/YARN_CONF_DIR to launcher classpath so YARN resource manager can be correctly determined. See below for more details.

Define Custom SparkSubmit Tasks

To create multiple tasks, you can wrap them with SparkSubmitSetting again like this:

  lazy val settings = SparkSubmitSetting(
      Seq("--class", "Main1")
      Seq("--class", "Main2")
      Seq("--class", "Main2"),

Notice here are two differently named tasks run the same class but with different application arguments.

Of course, you can still append additional arguments in this task. For example:

sbt "spark2 hello.txt"
sbt spark2Other

would be equivalent.

SparkSubmitSetting has three apply functions:

def apply(name: String): SparkSubmitSetting
def apply(name: String, sparkArgs: Seq[String] = Seq(), appArgs: Seq[String] = Seq()): SparkSubmitSetting
def apply(sparkSubmitSettings: SparkSubmitSetting*): Seq[Def.Setting[_]]

The first creates a simple SparkSubmitSetting object with a custom task name. The object itself has setting function that allows you to blend in additional settings that is specific to this task.

Because the most common use case of custom task is to provide custom default Spark and Application arguments, the second variant allow you provide those directly.

There is already an implicit conversion from SparkSubmitSetting to Seq[Def.Setting[_]] which allows you to append itself to your project. When there are multiple settings, the third variant allows you to aggregate all of them without additional type hinting for implicit to work.

See src/sbt-test/sbt-spark-submit/multi-main for examples.

Multi-project builds

If you are really awesome to have a multi-project builds, be careful that sbt sparkSubmit will trigger aggregation thus firing multiple instances each for every project. You can do sbt projectA/sparkSubmit to restrict the project scope.

However if you define additional sparkSubmit tasks with unique names, this becomes very friendly. For example, say you have two projects A and B, for which you define sparkA1, sparkA2 and sparkB tasks respectively. As long as you attach the sparkA1 and sparkA2 to project A and sparkB to project B, sbt sparkA1 and sbt sparkA2 will correctly trigger build on project A while sparkB will do the same for project B even though you didn't select any specific project.

Of course, sparkB task won't even trigger a build on A unless B depends on A thanks to the magic of sbt.

See src/sbt-test/sbt-spark-submit/multi-project for examples.


Below we go into details about various keys that controls the default behavior of this task.

Application JAR

sparkSubmitJar specifies the application JAR used in submission. By default this is simply the JAR created by package task. This will be sufficient to run in local mode.

More advanced techniques include but not limited to:

  1. Use one-jar plugins such as sbt-assembly to create a fat jar for deployment.
  2. While YARN automatically uploads the application jar, it doesn't seem to be the case for Spark Standalone cluster. So you can inject a JAR uploading process inside this key and returns the uploaded JAR instead. See sbt-assembly-on-ec2 for an example.

Spark and Application Arguments

sparkSubmitSparkArgs and sparkSubmitAppArgs represents the arguments for Spark and Application respectively. Spark arguments are things like --class, --conf and etc. Application arguments are for the Spark application being submitted.

Application Master

sparkSubmitMaster specifies the default master to use if --master is not already supplied. This takes a function of the form (sparkArgs: Seq[String], appArgs: Seq[String]) => String. By default it blindly maps to local.

More interesting ones may be:

  1. If there is --help in appArgs you will want to run as local to see the usage information immediately.
  2. For YARN deployment, yarn-cluster is appropriate especially if you are submitting to a remote cluster from IDE.
  3. For EC2 deployment, you can use spark-ec2 script to figure out the correct address of Spark master. See sbt-assembly-on-ec2 for an example.

Default Properties File

sparkSubmitPropertiesFile specifies the default properties file to use if --properties-file is not already supplied.

This can be especially useful for YARN deployment by pointing the Spark assembly to a JAR on HDFS via spark.yarn.jar property so as to avoid the overhead of uploading Spark assembly jar every time application is submitted. See sbt-assembly-on-ec2 for an example.

Other interesting settings include driver/executor memory/cores, RDD compression/serialization and etc.


sparkSubmitClassPath sets the classpath to use for Spark application deployment. Currently this is only relevant for YARN deployment as I couldn't get yarn-site.xml correctly picked up even when HADOOP_CONF_DIR is properly set. In this case, you can add:

sparkSubmitClasspath := {
  new File(sys.env.getOrElse("HADOOP_CONF_DIR", "")) +:
    data((fullClasspath in Compile).value)

Note: This is already automatically injected once you enablePlugins(SparkSubmitYARN)

SparkSubmit inputKey

sparkSubmit is a generic inputKey and we will show you how to define additional tasks that have different default behavior in terms of parameters. As for the inputKey itself, it parses space delimited arguments. If -- is present, the former part gets appended to sparkSubmitSparkArgs and the latter part gets appended to sparkSubmitAppArgs. If -- is missing, then all arguments are assumed to be application arguments.

If --master is missing in sparkSubmitSparkArgs, then sparkSubmitMaster is used to assign a default application master.

If --properties-file is missing in sparkSubmitSparkArgs and sparkSubmitPropertiesFile is not None, then it will be included.

Finally it runs the Spark application deploy process using the specified Classpath and specified JAR with above mentioned arguments.


For more information and working examples, see projects under examples and src/sbt-test.