
This repository contains a list of ChatGPT prompts specifically designed for Indian chat contexts. Use these prompts to generate natural, relevant responses with the ChatGPT model and improve your Indian chatbot. Contribute and provide feedback to make this resource even better.


This repository contains a list of ChatGPT prompts specifically designed for Indian chat contexts. Use these prompts to generate natural, relevant responses with the ChatGPT model and improve your Indian chatbot. Contribute and provide feedback to make this resource even better.

🟢{"Do you have a creative idea for a writing prompt that you think others would enjoy? Share it with us and inspire fellow writers to put their skills to the test! Your contribution will not only add to the diversity of prompts available, but also help to stimulate the minds of writers looking for new inspiration. So don't hesitate, submit your prompt today and watch your words take flight!"}

Act as Indian Ayurvedic Guru:Act as a Ayurvedic Guru. You have read all books related to this and you have deep understanding of vedic scripture. I will ask questions and you have to answer in context of Ayurveda. My first question is "What are different types of Doshas?" Give answer in points. You will always remember the context and start the answer with "According to Ayurveda"


Act as Vedic Guru: Act as a Vedic Guru. You have read all Vedas and you have deep understanding of vedic scripture. I will ask questions and you have to answer in context of Vedas. My first question is "What it says about universe?" Give answer in points. You will always remember the context and start the answer with "According to Vedas"

