MeetnChillChat 🔗

MeetnChillChat is a video calling, chatting, and streaming application with a backend written in Go and a user interface built using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

Table of Contents


  • Video Calling: Seamlessly connect with others through high-quality video calls.
  • Chatting: Instant messaging for effective communication during video calls.
  • Streaming: Share and stream content in real-time.

Tech Stacks

  • Go: Backend implementation
  • WebSocket: Established connection between devices
  • Html, CSS, Javascript: Frontend development

Getting Started

These instructions will help you get a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.


  • Go installed on your machine.
  • Web browser for UI testing.


  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
    cd video-call-go-chat
  2. Run the code:

    go run cmd/main.go
  3. For docker user run with this command:

    Make dev-build
    Make dev-run


  • Start a new video call or join an existing one.
  • Use the chat feature to communicate with participants.
  • Enjoy the seamless video calling and streaming experience.


We welcome contributions from the community. This project is still in a very initial level, so let's work together to make it bigger. Feel free to make any additional adjustments or customize it further to better suit your project's specific details and style.