
LeetCode backend, scaleble nodjs backend which runs user submitted code in a containerized code execution envroment, implementaion of RabbitMq RPC, devops assignment of @hkirat

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Set Up the Project

  • clone the repo
git clone https://github.com/amitanshusahu/node-containerized-execution-env.git
  • open the server folder inside the repo folder
cd  node-containerized-execution-env/server
  • install all dependencies
npm i
  • pull node and gcc docker image
# pull latest node image
docker pull node
# pull latest gcc image
docker pull gcc
  • run RabbitMq and bind it to port 5672 in a terminal instance
docker run \
-p 5672:5672 \
  • open another terminal instance and run the node server, from server folder
# go to server folder
cd server
# start the server
npm start
  • open another terminal instance and serve the index.html, from client folder
# go from server folder to  client folder
cd ../client
# create a static server 
npx serve

make sure 3000, 3010, 5672 are not bussyyyy!!

load test

  • install loadtest
npm i -g loadtest
  • test the server
# send 1000 reqs with an concorency level 100
loadtest -n 1000 -c 100 http://localhost:3010


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