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Fast and lightweight log transport and processing.
AIM: This project is mainly designed to save the power by switching ON and OFF the street lights depending on the intensity of light. DESCRIPTION: All outdoor lamps are normally operated in the nighttime. Some lamps like street lamps are switched ON for the entire duration of night and some lamps like advertisement board lighting etc. are switched ON only for part of night. Universally all these lamps are switched ON at dusk i.e. once the natural sunlight goes down after sunset. We have developed dedicated automation devices based on infrared sensing technology and digital timing for all the above areas of automation. All the models offer automatic switch ON at dusk once the ambient luminance goes below 60 lux. The LDR circuit is used to find the intensity of light. Depending on the intensity of light the value of resistance across the LDR will change, so the output voltage will change by changing the value of resistance (10k pot) we have to fix the output voltage as maximum as possible. The corresponding voltage at LDR based on intensity of light is converted into digital equaling using MCP3201 A/D converter .we are comparing this digital quantity with predefined intensity that was already fixed in the micro controller. Different led’s connected to indicate the different seasons.