
A full stack shopping app with React 18+, JAVA 21, Spring Boot 3.3+ and MySql using Hexagonal Architecture

Primary LanguageJava


Full Stack Shopping Web Application with React 18 web application with Java 21, Spring Boot 3.3 and Mysql implemented according to Hexagonal architecture.

CliqueShop application page snapshot

Technologies used


  • JDK 21 - Core language
  • Spring Boot 3.3 - Java Framework
  • Maven - Build tool
  • Junit5 - Unit Testing
  • Mockito - Mocking objects while Unit testing
  • AssertJ - Simple assertion style while Unit testing
  • Lombok - Auto generates boilerplate code for POJOs
  • Hibernate/Spring Data JPA - Persistence Implementation Framework
  • MySql - Database
  • TestContainers - A framework that allows us to launch a MySQL database as a Docker container from tests.
  • Docker - To run MySQL and Sonar as containers. Just install Docker Desktop and done
  • Jacoco - To analyze code coverage
  • SonarQube - To analyze and report bugs and issues
  • Spotless - To analyze and format the code
  • Static Code Analysis - By SpotBugs, PMD, Google Checkstyle (If using Sonar then not req as most of the rules are now part of Sonar)
  • Slf4j/CustomLog - Slf4j Logging support using Lombok CustomLog
  • Swagger - OpenAPI which is the version 3 implementation for Spring Boot 3.x


  • React 18 - JSX Framework
  • React Router - Navigation
  • Vite JS - React development Server
  • SWC - Speedy Web Compiler
  • Bootstrap 5 - CSS
  • Axios - Rest API Calls
  • FontAwesome - SVG Icons

Important Plugins for Intellij

  • HTTP Client - Required to run sample http commands from document/sample-requests.http (Step 1,2)
  • JUnit
  • Lombok
  • Spring DATA
  • Tomcat
  • Jakarta EE - Application server
  • Vite

What is a Hexagonal Architecture?

Alistair Cockburn introduced the hexagonal software architecture as follows

  • All non-technical business logic must reside in Application core and must be invoked by User, External application or automated Tests without any difference.
  • All communication to the Application core from external entities say User, Database or Test suite must happen through Ports (Interfaces).
  • An Adapter is like a middleman who will control the communication between External entities and Application core via Ports.

Application overview

The application mimics a simplified online store with following functionalities:

  • Add, Remove and Edit Products
  • Product search
  • Adding a product to the shopping cart
  • Retrieving the shopping cart with the products, their respective quantity, and the total price
  • Incrementing, Decrementing or removing an Item from Cart
  • Emptying the shopping cart


  • The amount of a product added to the cart must be at least one.
  • After adding a product, the total quantity of this product in the cart must not exceed the amount of the product available in the warehouse or 10 which ever is smaller.
  • After emptying the Cart there should be no products available in the Cart.
  • We can not remove a Product if it is present in any Cart.

Architecture Overview

The source code has four modules:

  • model - It contains the domain models
  • application - It contains the domain services and the ports
  • adapter - It contains the adapters like REST, In-memory and JPA
  • boostrap - It contains the configuration and bootstrapping logic like instantiating adapters/domain services and running Undertow web server

The following diagram shows the final hexagonal architecture of the application along with the source code modules.

Hexagonal Architecture Modules UML diagram

Hexagonal Architecture Modules

Hexagonal Architecture modules (www.happycoders.eu)

Business flow example - Add Item to Cart

Add Item to Cart flow

Lombok annotations used in project

  • @RequiredArgsConstructor - Generates constructor that take one argument per final / non-nullfield
  • @AllArgsConstructor - Generates constructor that take one argument for every field.
  • @Data - A shortcut for @ToString, @EqualsAndHashCode, @Getter on all fields, and @Setter on all non-final fields, and @RequiredArgsConstructor!
  • @Accessors
    • fluent – A boolean. If true, the getter for pepper is just pepper(), and the setter is pepper(T newValue). Furthermore, unless specified, chain defaults to true. Default: false.
    • chain – A boolean. If true, generated setters return this instead of void. Default: false, unless fluent=true, then Default: true.
  • @Getter/@Setter - Generates getter/setter methods for the fields
  • @ToString - Generates a toString method for the class
  • @EqualsAndHashCode - Generates hashCode and equals implementations from the fields of your object
  • @CustomLog - Generates Custom Logger object for the class based on Logging library as defined in lombok.config file
lombok.log.custom.declaration = org.slf4j.Logger org.slf4j.LoggerFactory.getLogger(NAME)(TOPIC)

How to run

BackEnd server

  • Build and run the Bootstrap.war in Tomcat
  • Spring Boot Profile - Use the Spring boot profile mysql while running the app. Default is inmemory
  • Based on the System property value of 'persistence' key ('inmemory'/'mysql') we can run the application with
  • InMemory DB - Data will persist till the application is running
  • MySql DB - We can either run a local MySql server (DB-shop, Root Pwd-test) or run a Docker container
docker run --name hexagon-mysql -d -p3306:3306 -e MYSQL_DATABASE=shop -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=test mysql:8.1
  • You can invoke HTTP commands from 'documents/sample-requests.http' directly from Intellij

Front-end server

  • Go to shop-frontend folder and run node server
cd shop-frontend
npm run dev

Code analysis

  • Spotless - run mvn spotless:apply to auto reformat the code if there is any issue during build
  • Static code analysis - For Static code analysis with Spotbugs, PMD and Google Check style run
mvn clean verify -Dspring.profiles.active=code-inspection -DskipTests=true

Running SONAR from Zip file with JDK 17+ on the system

  • As per May 2024, Sonar supports up to JDK17 with some issues with ElasticSearch.
  • So if you have any latest version of JDK installed then please install JDK 17 separately.
  • Create an Environment variable to point to the Java executable file of JDK17 i.e.
SONAR_JAVA_PATH = C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-17.0.1\bin\java.exe (Windows)
  • And run the StartSonar.bat

Running Sonar from docker image

  • If Docker is already installed on your system (as part of MySql TestContainers step)
  • Then just execute the following line and you are all set
docker run -d --name sonarqube -e SONAR_ES_BOOTSTRAP_CHECKS_DISABLE=true -p 9000:9000 sonarqube:latest

After creating a Project and Token in SonarQube run this for report generation

mvn -Dsonar.projectKey=<<PROJECT_KEY>> -Dsonar.projectName='<<PROJECT_NAME>>' -Dsonar.host.url=http://localhost:9000 
-Dsonar.token=<<TOKEN_VALUE>> clean verify sonar:sonar

Swagger Version 3 links