
Dotfiles, built for Arch Linux.

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT


Dotfiles, built for Arch Linux.

What's inside?

WM i3
Terminal alacritty
Shell zsh
Multiplexer tmux
Editor neovim


  • git
  • zsh


A base installation of Arch Linux with a non-root sudo enabled user account is required for this setup to work.

Tip: Enable ParallelDownloads under [Options] in /etc/pacman.conf for faster downloading of packages.

Remove packages from installer.sh that you don't need.

Run this:

git clone https://github.com/amiteshore/dotfiles.git "~/dotfiles"
cd ~/dotfiles

Note: Some changes may require a quick reboot.


Install vim plugins. Run :PackerInstall inside nvim, ignore the errors after opening nvim for the first time.

Edit ~/.gitconfig.

Generate SSH keys.

Setup firewall.

Pair and trust the bluetooth headphone MAC address with bluetoothctl, then add the MAC address on $HEADPHONE_MAC_ADDRESS variable in ~/.exports.


Add user to docker group

sudo groupadd docker
sudo usermod -aG docker <username>

Start docker.service and check if I can run docker commands without root user (may need to reboot).