
Fundamentals and basic examples of Google's Protobuf in Go and Python

Primary LanguageGo

Protobuf Basics

Fundamentals and basic examples of Google's Protobuf in Go and Python

Setting up the Protoc compiler

Find the correct protocol buffers version based on your Linux distro below here.

Installation on MacOSX

brew install protobuf


An example of a proto message is:

syntax = "proto3";

message Account {
    uint32 id = 1;
    stirng name = 2;
    bool is_active = 3;


  • When not set:
    • A field will not be serialized.
    • Populated with default value.

Scalar Types

  • Numbers

    • int32, int64, sint32, sint64
    • uint32, uint64
    • fixed32, fixed64, sfixed32, sfixed64
    • float, double
    • All above types will have a default value of 0.
  • Strings

    • Value: Arbitrary length
    • Default: Empty string
    • Encoding: UTF-8
    • Keyword: string
  • Bytes:

    • Value: Arbitrary length byte sequence
    • Default: Empty bytes
    • Encoding: Up to you to interpret in code
    • Keyword: bytes


  • Field names are not important for serialization, but Tags are. Tags impact your payload.
  • Rules:
    • Smallest: 1
    • Largest: 536,870,911
  • Reserved Tags
    • From 19000 to 19999
  • How Tags are serialized?

Repeated Fields

  • Repeated fields can be repeated any number of times, including zero.
  • Repeated:
    • Keyword: repeated

      repeated <type> <name> = <tag>;
    • Value: Any number of elements (0 or more)

    • Default: Empty list

    • Example:

      syntax = "proto3";
      message Account {
          uint32 id = 1;
          string name = 2;
          bytes thumbnail = 3;
          bool is_active = 4;
          float height = 5;
          repeated string phones = 6;

Enumerations (Enums)

  • Enum:
    • Keyword: enum

    • Value:

    • Default: First value in enum

    • Example:

      enum EyeColor {
          UNSPECIFIED = 0;
          GEEN = 1;
          BLUE = 2;
          BROWN = 3;
      message Account {
          uint32 id = 1;
          string name = 2;
          bytes thumbnail = 3;
          bool is_active = 4;
          float height = 5;
          repeated string phones = 6;
          EyeColor eye_color = 7;
  • First tag in enum is always 0

Comments (Documentation)

  • Single line comments

  • Multiline comments

  • Examples:

      Account used to identify someone in our system
      message Account {
          uint32 id = 1;
          string name = 2;
          bytes thumbnail = 3; // picture in jpeg format
          bool is_active = 4;
          // height in centimeters
          float height = 5;
          repeated string phones = 6;
          EyeColor eye_color = 7;

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