
Sample android automation testing framework using appium, testng and maven.

Primary LanguageJava

Appium - Android - Movies(Sample App) - Page Object Model

This is a sample project to demonstrate page object model in appium

testngis used as test framework. Sample android used for automation is BitbarSampleApp.apk given by @bitbar.


  1. Java
  2. Maven

###libraries used

  1. Appium
  2. Testng
  3. log4j

Steps to clone execute the tests

git clone https://github.com/reachbharathan/appium-android-movies.git
cd appium-android-movies
mvn clean compile
mvn clean test

How to use this repo

Before executing the steps, few installations and setup needs to be completed.

  1. Install android sdk and configure the android corresponding to the OS you have. refer 'https://developer.android.com/studio/install.html' .

  2. Create a android device of you choice, I would recommend to use android studio for creating device which takes care of most of settings.

  3. Once the Android stimulator is created, open the app in stimulator using appium inorder to test the configs.

  4. Start the app using the command line emulator -avd <Android device Name>

  5. Now configure the deviceName field in startAppium.sh accourding the your device name.

  6. Now the its all set to execute the test,execute mvn clean test command in command line (Note for windows users the settings and commands might slighly vary)from root folder, index.html report will be generated in target folder

  7. The entire test suite can be executed from a single test runner file "TestRunner"


  1. The configuration of android sdk and setting of stimulator will take tie for first times, be patient and refer lots of blog to know and own it
  2. Will increase the test as and when i find time


This project use bitbar ('https://github.com/bitbar') sample android app for testing purpose, thanks you @bitbar for providing the app.