
Curated list of core Python topics & Problem Solving questions asked in the Python Dev interview.

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Core Python Interview Topics

  1. Basic Data Types int, string, float, bool
  2. Data Structures list, tuple, dict, set, frozenset
  3. Data Structures' Analogies (list vs set, list vs dict, list vs tuple)
  4. Mutable vs Immutable Types
  5. Identity Operators is, is not
  6. Hashable vs Unhashable Types
  7. Positional Arguments vs Keyword Arguments
  8. *args, **kwargs
  9. Memory management in Python
  10. Global Interpreter Lock (GIL)
  11. Namespaces and Scope
  12. Multithreading (I/O Bound) and Multiprocessing (CPU Bound) in Python
  13. Co-operative multitasking (async/await)
  14. Memoization
  15. Inheritance (Single/Multiple)
  16. Dunder Methods (Double Underscore/Special)
  17. Operator overloading in Python
  18. Metaclass
  19. Decorator
  20. Generator
  21. Context Manager
  22. List Comprehension, Dictionary Comprehension, Set Comprehension
  23. Statements and its functions: pass, break, continue

Data Structure / Problem Solving Questions

  1. Find the common elements between two list (with complexity analysis).
  2. Explain the time complexity to pop an element from a list.
  3. Explain the time complexity of in operator check in list, set, dict, tuple.

Other Questions

  1. Reading a large file in Python without having memory issues.