
Simple java lambda - API

  1. sam init
  2. sam build
  3. sam deploy --guided --profile matsonlabs
  4. curl https://<api-id>
  5. watch the logs
    1. sam logs --stack-name sam-java-demo --profile matsonlabs --region us-west-2 --tail
  6. Code changes for accepting a simple request param and echoing it back
  7. hot deploy/ sam sync/watch
    1. sam sync --watch --profile matsonlabs --region us-west-2
  8. deploy again and watch the logs
  9. View the resources in the console
    1. Lambda > configuration

Simple java lambda - sqs message processor

  1. Implement SQS message handler:
  2. Add an sqs queue, ref events:
  3. Create a queue and get its ARN
    1. Ref cft:
    2. Where to get the Arn?:
      1. !GetAtt
    3. Let's not name the queue
  4. Post message to queue
    1. cli ref:
    2. aws sqs send-message --profile matsonlabs --queue-url "" --region us-west-2 --message-body "hello"