
Laravel and Nuxt.js boilerplate

Primary LanguagePHP


  • clone from GitHub
  • run yarn or npm install and composer install to install all of your deps
  • copy .env.example to .env and configure it to your likings
  • generate key using php artisan key:generate
  • generate keys for laravel passport using php artisan passport:keys
  • generate PASSPORT_CLIENT_ID and PASSPORT_CLIENT_SECRET using php artisan passport:client --password and place it in .env file
  • run php artisan migrate to create db && php artisan db:seed to feed dummy the data
  • Feel free to delete excess media in /client/static/, just images for the readme

Laravel + Nuxt.js Boilerplate

Test PHP Test Javascript Lint Javascript Lint PHP

What is included

Local Environment

  • run yarn dev in one terminal for our nuxt dev setup
  • run yarn api (alias for ./artisan serve) in another terminal for our laravel API
