
Go client library to access the PlanetScale API

Primary LanguageGoApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

planetscale-go Build status

Go package to access the PlanetScale API.


go get github.com/planetscale/planetscale-go/planetscale


Here is an example usage of the PlanetScale Go client. Please make sure to handle errors in your production application.

package main

import (


func main() {
	token := os.Getenv("PLANETSCALE_TOKEN")

	ctx := context.Background()

	// create a new PlanetScale API client with the given access token
	client, _ := planetscale.NewClient(

	// create a new database
	_, err := client.Databases.Create(ctx, &planetscale.CreateDatabaseRequest{
		Organization: "my-org",
		Name:         "my-awesome-database",
		Notes:        "This is a test DB created via the planetscale-go API library",

	// list all databases for the given organization
	databases, _ := client.Databases.List(ctx, &planetscale.ListDatabasesRequest{
		Organization: "my-org",
	fmt.Printf("Found %d databases\n", len(databases))
	for _, db := range databases {
		fmt.Printf("Name: %q\n", db.Name)
		fmt.Printf("Notes: %q\n", db.Notes)

	// delete a database
	_ = client.Databases.Delete(ctx, &planetscale.DeleteDatabaseRequest{
		Organization: "my-org",
		Database:     "my-awesome-database",

Using a Service Token

To use a service token, instead of an access token, use the planetscale.WithServiceToken() option function:

// create a new PlanetScale API client with the given service token. 
client, _ := planetscale.NewClient(
	planetscale.WithServiceToken(name, token),

You can create and manage your service tokens via our pscale CLI with the pscale service-token subcommand.

Use a custom HTTP Client

You can use a custom HTTP Client with the planetscale.WithHTTPClient() option function:

httpClient := &http.Client{
	Timeout: 15 * time.Second,

// create a new PlanetScale API client with the given access token and
// custom HTTP Client
client, _ := planetscale.NewClient(

Connecting to a PlanetScale Database

The planetscale-go package provides a helper method to simplify connecting to a PlanetScale database. Here is an example you can use (Please make sure to handle errors in your production application.):

package main

import (


func main() {
	token := os.Getenv("PLANETSCALE_TOKEN")
	ctx := context.Background()

	// create a new PlanetScale API client with the given access token
	client, _ := planetscale.NewClient(

	// create the Dial config
	dialCfg := &dbutil.DialConfig{
		Organization: "my-org",
		Database:     "my-awesome-database",
		Branch:       "my-branch",
		Client:       client,

	// dbutil.Dial returns a ready to use *sql.DB instance.
	db, _ := dbutil.Dial(ctx, dialCfg)

	// make a query
	var version string
	_ = db.QueryRow("SELECT VERSION()").Scan(&version)

	// prints 'MySQL version: 8.0.23'
	fmt.Println("MySQL version:", version)