
Sample Go code to demo the use of protobuf for logging

Primary LanguageGo


Protologs has sample Go code that demonstrates structured and strongly typed logging using Uber Zap and Protobuf.

This works by using a zap_marshaler protoc plugin that generates code from Proto messages that implements Zap's ObjectMarshaler interface. Proto generated structs can then be logged with zap.Object(&someProtoStruct{})

Proto definitions

Proto definitions for logs in /proto have base log context fields and service-specific field examples. These files are compiled to the /pkg/protolog directory with protoc.

protoc --zap-marshaler_out=./pkg/protolog --go_out=./pkg/protolog proto/protolog/*.proto


usersvc/main.go and paymentsvc/main.go are examples that both use a common base proto message, but different service-level proto messages.

Run with go run paymentsvc/main.go etc.