
This is a temparary fix for ibmhdfs in Bluemix Node-RED

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This is a tempary fix node-red-contrib-bluemix-hdfs 0.2.3

Problem fixed:

The ibmhdfs in Node-RED on Bluemix was broken after the Analysys for Hadoop server upgrade on July 2015. The issue has been pending for 3 months.

With this temparay fix, you can use "ibm hdfs in" to write data to hadoop now.

To apply the fix:

  1. Use BLuemix DevOps to edit the package.json in your IOT/Node-Red project.Change this line:
    "node-red -contrib-bluemix-hdfs":"0.x";

  2. Commit the change. Build/Deploy the project.

  3. Open your Node-RED. Add the "ibm hdfs in" node in your diagram. In the dialog, -- the filename field MUST start with /.
    eg. /sensorinfo.json
    -- Enable the "Append new line?".
    -- I didn't test the "Overwrite complete file"

  4. That's all. You can use Hadoop HDFS explorer to see if the file is created and data are appended.
    eg. https://bi-hadoop-prod-.services.dal.bluemix.net:8443/gateway/default/hdfs/explorer.html


https://www.npmjs.com/package/node-red-contrib-bluemix-hdfs http://www.slideshare.net/JosephChang8/bluemix-hadoop-beginners-guide-part-i