
wbm is an API to send bulk messages in whatsapp.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

npm version


wbm is an API to send bulk messages in whatsapp.


> npm install wbm


At the beginning it will display a QR Code on terminal, just scan it using whatsapp app.

Send same message to every contact

const wbm = require('wbm');

wbm.start().then(async () => {
    const phones = ['5535988841854', '35988841854', '5535988841854'];
    const message = 'Good Morning.';
    await wbm.send(phones, message);
}).catch(err => console.log(err));

Send custom message to every contact

const wbm = require('wbm');

wbm.start().then(async () => {
    const contacts = [{ phone: '5535988841854', name: 'Bruno', age: 21 }];
    const message = 'Hi {{name}}, your age is {{age}}';
    // it will send 'Hi Bruno, your age is 21'
    await wbm.sendCustom(contacts, message); 
}).catch(err => console.log(err));

Send custom messages using YOUR OWN RULE

const wbm = require('wbm');

wbm.start().then(async () => {
    const contacts = [
        { phone: '5535988841854', name: 'Bruno', group: 'friend' }, 
        { phone: '5535988841854', name: 'Will', group: 'customer' }
    for (contact of contacts) {
        let message = 'hi';
        if(contact.group === 'customer') {
            message = 'Good morning ' + contact.name;
        else if(contact.group === 'friend') {
            message = 'Hey ' + contact.name + '. Wassup?';
        await wbm.sendTo(contact.phone, message);
    await wbm.end();
}).catch(err => console.log(err));


send(phones, message)

Send same message to every phone number.


Array of phone numbers: ['5535988841854', ...].
Type: array


Message to send to every phone number.
Type: string

sendCustom(contacts, message)

Send custom message to every phone number.


Array of contact objects created by the user(with dynamic properties)
like [{phone: '5535988841854', name: 'Will', group: 'partner', age: 22', any: 'anything', ...}, ...].
Type: array


Message prototype to send to every phone number, text with curly braces like {{text}}
will be replaced by the contact property with same text name.
Type: string

sendTo(phone, message)

Send message to a phone number.


Phone number: '5535988841854'.
Type: string


Message to send to phone number.
Type: string


Feel free to create pull requests. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
