Friendly addon to @vuese to allow it to work with a Vuex store file.
This code was originally a PR to @vuese, but it was determined that Vuex Store was out of scope for @vuese. This addon will gladly be merged with @vuese if the maintainers wish.
npm i vuese-vuex -D
Vuese-vuex must be run after vuese has already generated the index.html file for the documentation website. It updates the sidebar with the link to the store.js doc file.
vuese gen && vuese-vuex gen
Getters, Actions, and Mutations follow the same rules for methods in a component. (Must be marked with a @vuese
export default {
getters: {
// @vuese
// Getter used for testing
testGetter() {
actions: {
// @vuese
// The number one action for the project
// @arg The first
// @arg The second
myNumberOneAction(arg1, arg2) {
mutations: {
// @vuese
// My only mutation
// @arg The value to set
state: {
// @vuese
// used for determining if someone can use perms
permissions: {}