
Udacity's Self Driving Car Engineer Nano-Degree

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Self-Driving Car Engineer Nanodegree

This repository contains all the projects I completed as part of the first cohort of the Udacity self-driving car engineer nanodegree.

As detailed below, the program covers a wide range of topics including traditional computer vision, deep learning, sensor fusion, localization, path-planning, control, etc.

The Self-Driving Car Engineer Nanodegree is a 3-term online certification intended to prepare students to become self-driving car engineers. The program was developed by Udacity in partnership with Mercedes-Benz, Nvidia, Uber ATG, amongst others.

Program Outline:

Term 1: Computer Vision and Deep Learning (Fall 2016)

Traditional Computer Vision (Python)

  • Project 1 - Finding Lane Lines: Introductory project which used basic computer vision techniques like canny edge and hough transforms to detect lane lines
  • Project 4 - Advanced Lane Lines: Use of image thresholding, warping and fitting lanes lines to develop a more robust method of detecting lane lines on a road
  • Project 5 - Vehicle Detection: Use of HOG and SVM to detect vehicles on a road

Deep Learning (Python/Tensorflow)

  • Project 2 - Traffic Sign Classifier: Train a convolution neural network capable of detecting road side traffic signs.
  • Project 3 - Behavioral Cloning: Train a car to drive in a 3D simulator using a deep neural network (input to the network is an RGB image and the output is the corresponding steering angle).

Term 2: Sensor Fusion, Localization, and Control (Spring 2017)

Sensor Fusion (C++)

  • Project 1: Combine lidar and radar data to track objects with non-linear dynamics using Extended Kalman filter (EKF)
  • Project 2: Combine lidar and radar data to more accurately track objects with non-linear dynamics using Unscented Kalman filter (UKF)

Localization (C++)

  • Project 3: Localize the EGO vehicle relative to the world map using a particle filter.

Control (C++)

Term 3: Path Planning, Semantic Segmentation, and System Integration (Summer 2017)

Path Planning (C++)

  • Project 1: Using a finite-state machine (FSM), generated a smooth trajectory (as well as proper speed) to navigate the vehicle on a highway while avoiding obstacles and other vehicles.
    Additionally, used A* and Dynamic Programming to generate a sequence of steps to navigate unstructured environments e.g. parking lots, etc.

Semantic Segmentation (Python/Tensorflow)

  • Project 2: Using Fully-Convolutional Network (FCN) based semantic segmentation architecture, classified each pixel in the image into road, car, or everything else category.

Capstone Project (C++ and Python/Tensorflow)

  • Project 3: A system integration team project to run on Udacity's real self-driving car. My task was to develop a traffic light detection module using the Single-Shot Detection (SSD) network. The network would output the location of the traffic light (bounding box) as well as the traffic light state (red, green, yellow, or not working).