
Easy to use Angular2 components for files upload

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Easy to use Angular directives for file uploading (demo)

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Table of Contents



This code is made up of several packages that came before this one. Not all code is intended to be used and old code is often only to support others that are converting to this package.


Before even getting started, gage this package against others

Currently, September of 2017, ng2-file-upload is the most trending Angular file upload package. This package, angular-file, is a much improved fork of ng2-file-upload. Use angular-file NOT the outdated ng2-file-upload

TAP here for npmtrends of Angular file uploaders

Quick Start

  1. A recommended way to install angular-file is through npm package manager using the following command:

npm install angular-file --save-dev

Alternatively, you can download it in a ZIP file.

  1. Currently angular-file contains three directives: ngf, ngfSelect, and ngfDrop. ngf and ngfSelect are quite the same with just different defaults and they both utilize <input type="file" /> functionality. ngfDrop is used to designate an area that will be used for dropping of file(s).

  2. More information regarding using of angular-file is located in demo and demo sources.


Quickest Dirty Example

Showing off. This is NOT the best approach but sure does get a lot done for a little

  type          = "file"
  accept        = "image/*"
  (filesChange) = "uploader.uploadFiles($event)"
  maxSize       = "1024"

  [(ref)]   = "uploader"
  [options] = "{url:'...'}"
  (save)    = ""
  (catch)   = ""

Practical Example

An example intended to have every line needed to run an app with angular-file

import { ngfModule, ngfUploader, ngf } from "angular-file"
import { platformBrowserDynamic } from '@angular/platform-browser-dynamic';
import { BrowserModule } from '@angular/platform-browser';
import { Component, NgModule } from "@angular/core"
import { Http, Response, Request } from '@angular/http';
import 'rxjs/add/operator/toPromise';

//two ways to upload files
const template = `
  [(ref)]   = "uploader"
  [options] = "{url:'...'}"
  (save)    = ""
  (catch)   = ""

<button *ngIf="file" (click)="sendByModel(file)">send one file</button>
<button *ngIf="files" (click)="manualFormDataUploadFiles(files)">send multi file</button>


  selector: 'app',
  template: template
export class AppComponent {
  uploader:ngfUploader//becomes <ngfUploader [(ref)]="uploader">

  constructor(public Http:Http){}

  // takes array of HTML5 Files and uploads
    const uploader:FileUploader = this.uploader

    //uploader.options.forcePostname = 'POST-NameIfNotJust-FILE'

    //to HTML5 FormData for transmission (hint: post name defaults to "file")
    const formData:FormData = uploader.getFormData(files)
    const config = new Request({

    return this.postRequest(config)

  postRequest( config:Request ):Promise<Response>{
    return this.Http.request( config )
    .then( response=>{
      alert('upload complete, old school alert used')
      return response
    .catch( e=>alert('!failure beyond compare cause:' + e.toString()) )

  // takes HTML5 File and uploads
    //this.uploader.options.forcePostname = 'POST-NameIfNotJust-FILE'

    //to HTML5 FormData for transmission
    const formData:FormData = this.uploader.getFormData( [file] )

    const config = new Request({

    return this.postRequest( config )

  // takes array of HTML5 Files and uploads without using FileUploader class
    const formData:FormData = new FormData()

    files.each( file=>formData.append('file', file, file.name) )
    const config = new Request({

    return this.postRequest(config)

  imports: [
  declarations: [
  bootstrap: [AppComponent]
export class AppModule {}


Select Files Examples

Examples of how to allow file selection


<input type="file" ngf [(files)]="files" multiple  />


<input type="file" ngf [(file)]="file" />


<div ngfSelect multiple="1" [(files)]="files">
  Tap to Select

Images Only

<button ngfSelect [(file)]="userFile" accept="image/*" multiple="1">
  Tap to Select
<div [ngfBackground]="userFile"

Drop Files Examples

Examples of how to allow file drag/drop


<div ngfDrop
  [ngClass]="{'myHoverClass': validDrag, 'myAntiHoverClass': validDrag}"
  Drop Files Here

Combo Drop Select

<div ngfDrop selectable="1" multiple="1"
  [ngClass]="{'goodDragClass':validComboDrag, 'badDragClass':invalidComboDrag}"
  Combo drop/select zone


ngfUploader Directive

[(ref)]     : ngfUploader//reference to directive class
[useNgHttp] : any = false//use Angular Http to transmit (beta)
[options]   : {
  forceFilename?       : string//override that all files will have defined name
  forcePostname?       : string//override all FormData post names
  accept?              : string;//acts like file input accept
  allowedMimeType?     : Array<string>
  allowedFileType?     : Array<string>
  autoUpload?          : boolean
  isHTML5?             : boolean
  filters?             : Array<FilterFunction>
  headers?             : Array<Headers>
  method?              : string
  authToken?           : string
  maxFileSize?         : number
  queueLimit?          : number
  removeAfterUpload?   : boolean
  url?                 : string
  disableMultipart?    : boolean
  itemAlias?           : string
  authTokenHeader?     : string
  additionalParameter? : {[key: string]: any}  

ngf Directive

[(ngf)]             : ngf//reference to directive class
[multiple]          : string
[accept]            : string
[maxSize]           : number//bytes . 1024 = 1k . 1048576 = 1mb
[forceFilename]     : string
[forcePostname]     : string//when FormData object created, sets name of POST input
[ngfFixOrientation] : boolean = true
[fileDropDisabled]  : any = false
[selectable]        : any = false
[(lastInvalids)]    : {file:File,type:string}[] = []
[(lastBaseUrl)]     : string//Base64 od last file uploaded url
[(file)]            : File//last file uploaded
[(files)]           : File[]
(init)              : EventEmitter<ngf>

[uploader]:FileUploader = new FileUploader({})

ngfDrop Directive

This directive extends ngf

(fileOver)      :EventEmitter<any> = new EventEmitter()
[(validDrag)]   :any = false
[(invalidDrag)] :any = false

Supporting Internet Explorer 11 or less?

Only (fileOver) works accurately [(validDrag)] & [(invalidDrag)] should NOT be used as IE11 does not indicate the number of files NOR the types of files being dragged like other modern web browsers

ngfSelect Directive

This directive extends ngf

[selectable]:any = true

ngfBackground Directive


FileUploader Class

import { FileUploader } from "angular-file";


  • url - URL of File Uploader's route
  • authToken - Auth token that will be applied as 'Authorization' header during file send.
  • disableMultipart - If 'true', disable using a multipart form for file upload and instead stream the file. Some APIs (e.g. Amazon S3) may expect the file to be streamed rather than sent via a form. Defaults to false.
  • itemAlias - item alias (form name redefenition)
  • options
    • forceFilename? : string//override that all files will have defined name
    • forcePostname? : string//override all FormData post names
    • accept? : string;//acts like file input accept
    • allowedMimeType? : Array
    • allowedFileType? : Array
    • autoUpload? : boolean
    • isHTML5? : boolean
    • filters? : Array
    • headers? : Array
    • method? : string
    • authToken? : string
    • maxFileSize? : number
    • queueLimit? : number
    • removeAfterUpload? : boolean
    • url? : string
    • disableMultipart? : boolean
    • itemAlias? : string
    • authTokenHeader? : string
    • additionalParameter? : {[key: string]: any}

Upgrading from ng2-file-upload

This package is a fork with a complete overhaul of ng2-file-upload

  • Breaking Changes
    • ng2FileSelect becomes ngfSelect
    • ng2FileDrop becomes ngfDrop
    • Import Module
      • Deprecated import { FileUploadModule } from "ng2-file-upload"
      • Update import { ngfModule } from "angular-file"

More breaking changes may exist in upgrading including file naming conventions. This list is to be updated

  • Recommended Changes
    • Use ngf selectable="1" instead of ngfSelect
    • [uploader] was not to my liking
      • I think this was a poor design
      • replace A with B.1 and B.2
        • A. <div ng2FileDrop [uploader]="uploader">
        • B.1 <input ngfDrop (filesChange)="uploader.uploadFiles($event)" />
        • B.2 <ngfUploader [(ref)]="uploader" ></ngfUploader>
      • Use [(file)] and [(files)] as models and then wrap them in HTML5 FormData for transmission
        • Tools included to help do this
    • (fileOver) is better suited as:
      • [(validDrag)]="validDragVar"
      • [(invalidDrag)]="invalidDragVar"


Please follow this guidelines when reporting bugs and feature requests:

  1. Use GitHub Issues board to report bugs and feature requests (not our email address)
  2. Please always write steps to reproduce the error. That way we can focus on fixing the bug, not scratching our heads trying to reproduce it.

Thanks for understanding!


  • Current Author: Acker Apple
  • Forked from outdated package: ng2-file-upload


The MIT License (see the LICENSE file for the full text)