curl -L | tar xzf - --strip 1
- Appache proxy on localhost or Docker
- Composer
- this template based on justCpded / WordPress Starter for composer support
- this template also use visiblevc/wordpress-starter for docker support.
- .gitignore ready for wp-engine git push without core wp.
You can auto install all the basic goodies by running ./autoinstall
Its includes:
- New Theme - with scripts and desired plugins.
- Existing theme - that you can pull form git repo and continue working on it within this framework inside the docker with composer.
- (Future feature) Plugin - initialize plugin
Navigate to project root directory:
cd /path/to/your/project/folder/
Clone zipped specific repo files:
$ curl | tar -xz --strip 1
Install all requirements from composer
- By default, ACF PRO is a must use plugin. in order for it to be installed you should add a key to .env file.
mv .env.example .env composer install && composer update
Ignore all ops files by adding
$ echo '\n/data/\n/data/logs\n!/data/.gitkeep\n!/data/logs/.gitkeep\nenvironments\nscripts\n*.example\n*.lock\nlogs.ini\nrobots.txt\n# HERE GOES YOUR APP EXCEPTION' >> .gitignore
save your db sql dump at data folder (this is enough for Docker)
Local Proxy:
wp-cli import mysql dump:
$wp db import mysql.sql
requires local wp-cli install -
with phpmyadmin
- master - stable production copy,
- develop - current development copy
git checkout <branch-name>
git checkout -b <issue#>_<short descr></short>
- Update environment variables in
- Database nameDB_USER
- Database userDB_PASSWORD
- Database passwordDB_HOST
- Database hostWP_ENV
- Set to environment (development
- Full URL to WordPress home (
- Acf key for installing the full version of acf plugin
If you want you can use the .vscode/tasks.json file for auto processes using vscode tasks.
you need to install globally node-sass npm i -g node-sass
and change path to your project (theme or plugin) sass and css files on the tasks file.
- use composer.json or composer cli
- if using docker, add themes or plugins to script/ file to activate on wp cli when docker is up
run this after you run $composer install && composer update
echo "<?php require_once(__DIR__ . '/advanced-custom-fields-pro/acf.php');" > wp-content/mu-plugins/advanced-custom-fields-pro.php