
Backbone JS demo/training

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Backbone Demo

Backbone JS demo/training.

Why Backbone.js?

  • Backbone provides modular MV* structure for your application.
  • It provides features that will allow us to create dynamic single page applications easily.


  • Underscore js is a hard dependency.
  • jQuery is needed for general purpose use like DOM manipulation and Ajax.

Backbone components

  • Model
  • View
  • Router
  • Collection
  • Events
  • Models encapsulate an application's data and logic.
  • Notify change via the change event.
  • Backbone.Model is the base class. Extend this to create your custom Model.

The attributes property is the internal hash containing the model's state — usually (but not necessarily) a form of the JSON object representing the model data on the server. It's often a straightforward serialization of a row from the database, but it could also be client-side computed state.

Please use set to update the attributes instead of modifying them directly. If you'd like to retrieve and munge a copy of the model's attributes, use _.clone(model.attributes) instead.

  //create model
  var pm = new model({
    "productID": '123'
  console.log(pm); //entire model object
  console.log(pm.toJSON());// only returns the `attributes` data that is added via `set` or `defaults`
  console.log(pm.get('name'));// only returns the `attributes` data that is added via `set` or `defaults`
  console.log(pm.url);// only for prototype data, obviously
  • View will render the UI using data from model.
  • Registers and listens to the events arising out of UI.
  • Binds to model and listens to the changes in model.
  • Backbone.View is the base class. Extend this to create your custom view.

For generating HTML use a templating library like Mustache or Handlebars.

  • Similar (not same) as controller in MVC.
  • Provides mapping between a path and method that handles the path
  • Has history capabilities using the old hash-bang (#!) or the new HTML5 history API
  • Supports static as well as parameterized paths
  • Backbone.Router is the base class. Extend this to create your custom Router.
  • Backbone collections are simply an ordered set of models.
  • A collection will typically have only a single type of model in it.
  • Backbone.Collection is the base class. Extend this to create your custom Collection.
  • Event module is used to bind and trigger custom named events.
  • It is an independent module that can be mixed with other objects, giving them the capability to bind and trigger custom events.
