
When working on the workshop, we advise that you review your changes locally before committing them. Use the mkdocs serve command to live preview your changes (as you type) on your local machine.

Cloning the repo and installing dependencies

git clone
cd ~/observability-workshop

We recommend that you set up a virtualenv and install dependencies into it:

python -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Running the docs server

In most cases, the default settings with mkdocs serve work well, and mkdocs is available at Otherwise you can use for the IP address so mkdocs listens on all interfaces and define the port you want to listen on e.g. 8123:

mkdocs serve -a

The documentation built from your current branch is then accessible through your favorite browser at

How to create a new tagged release

Use the script ./ci/ It takes a single optional argument, the type of release. It defaults to a minor release. To issue a major release:

./.ci/ major

This will automatically perform the following changes (DO NOT MANUALLY PERFORM THESE STEPS):

  1. Determine the new version by bumping the major or minor version.

  2. Update the version list in mkdocs.yml with the name of the release tag, e.g. v4.2.

  3. Update and prepend the version to the list of available versions.

  4. Retrieve all remote tags. This will spot tag conflicts early and prevent accidentially pushing tags deleted on the remote.

  5. Commit these change with a message like Releasing v4.2:

    git add mkdocs.yml && git commit -m 'Releasing v4.2'
  6. Tag the release:

    git tag -a v4.2 -m "Version 4.2"
  7. Push the branch and the tag

    git push --follow-tags origin master

Then the release will run through the Travis CI/CD pipeline and be available shortly after.