
A very simple reminder webapp

Primary LanguageHTML



  • Python 2.7
  • pip
  • Mysql
  • Platform: Linux

import os saved_stdout = sys.stdout sys.stdout = StringIO() os.system('which python') testout = sys.stdout.getvalue() sys.stdout.close() sys.stdout = saved_stdout print testout

How to run?

  1. Edit Settings.py file for twilio and other configuration

  2. While you are in the root directory of project run

    sudo sh setup.sh


  • pip install -r requirements.txt
  • mysql -u root -p
  • Enter mysql password when prompted.
  • Create DB by "CREATE DATABASE msgapp;"
  • run "python app.py"



Language: Python, JS, HTML, CSS

Framework: Flask, Bootstrap

Template Engine: Jinja2

ORM: SqlAlchemy


The app uses linux inbuilt crontab for setting up cron job. For setting up crons within Python code python-crontab module is used.


Tables: users, reminders

Users table

id (Primary Key, auto_increment) name phone (unique) country_code timezone night_start night_end created_on updated_on

Reminders table

id (Primary Key, auto_increment) phone( Forein key reference users.phone) reminder_status error reminder_message created_on updated_on

Code Structure:

├── app.py

├── __init__.py

├── msgapp

│   ├── cron.py

│   ├── __init__.py

│   ├── messenger.py

│   ├── models

│   │   ├── __init__.py

│   │   ├── user.py

│   ├── utils.py

│   ├── views.py

├── settings.py

├── setup.sh

├── templates

├── base.html

└── msgapp

├── index.html

├── info.html

├── reminder_info.html

└── 404.html


  1. Create a (basic) web based application where John can set his phone number: Screenshot


  1. Send an SMS every one hour except at night: Screenshot(sent at every 2 minutes)


  1. Try resending an SMS if it fails, but retry no more than 5 times. Retry source code
  2. The web application should also log all the failed messages and tell John for how many hours the application has been running. Screenshot2

Error log

Do not send message during night: Source Code , Nightmode

Nightmode on