
ECommerce backend, demo app

Primary LanguagePython

ECOM Backend

An simple POC eCommerce website backend, that supports add/search/delete/modify products functionality.

Demo App: http://amitt001.pythonanywhere.com

Docs: http://bit.ly/2eiXTD7

Technology Used:

Python, Django, Django-rest, PyJWT

Get the Sources:

git clone https://github.com/amitt001/ecom_backend.git


To run tests, cd into ecom_api directory and run this command:

python manage.py test



1. chmod +x setup.sh

2. ./setup.sh


1. Intall pip(`sudo apt-get/yum install pip`).

2. Install virtualenv(`sudo apt-get/yum install virtualenv`).

3. Create virtualenv and activate it(`virtualenv env && source env/bin/activate`).

4. Install required packages(`pip install -r requirements.txt`).

5. Goto ecom_api directory(`cd ecom_api`).

6. Create database(`python manage.py makemigrations && python manage.py migrate`).

7. Test and run(`python manage.py test && python manage.py runserver`)



By default, all the product management endpoints have IsAuthenticatedOrReadOnly permissions i.e. an anonymous/unauthenticated user can only see the product. For modifying product data(PUT, POST, DELETE) user need to register and use token.

To use django-rest UI for testing comment settings.py line 61 and uncomment line 62


This app uses SQLite as the database.

This app uses Django ORM for DB access. So, other SQL DBs like MySQL, PostgreSQL, etc can also be used just by adding the DB info in settings.py file(no need to change any code).