
Auto Pages URI fieldtype automatically converts your page Title into the Pages URI based on the Title.

Primary LanguagePHP


An Expression Engine Fieldtype.

It can be confusing to have a Pages URI and a URL Title for customers. They may ask why both, and you have to get all technical. Most situations will require the Pages URI to be the same as the URL Title.

Therefore the Auto Pages URI fieldtype automatically converts your page Title into the Pages URI based on the Title. To put it another way, it will copy the URL Title to the Pages URI automatically when you enter the entry Title. It is actually based on the process to create the URI Title.

This saves you or the customer entering the Pages URI which can be confusing due to having a URL Title also.


  • Unzip and upload the folder auto_pages_uri to your system/expressionengine/third_party/ folder.
  • Go to Add-Ons Fieldtypes and click Install next to the fieldtype Auto Pages URI
  • Add the fieldtype to your channel field group that you want the Pages URI automatically created

The fieldtype will now copy the URL Title to the Pages URI automatically

Optional Additional Configuration

The fieldtype will display as a field in the channel entry, yet it requires no data to be entered. Therfore it is recommended to Hide the field in the channel entry by clicking Show Toolbar and clicking the eye icon for Auto Pages URI to hide it. It will still work.

Future Improvements

The Pages URI will only act initially when you first enter a Title, then subsequently when you change the url_title. Once you edit a page and change the Title, it will not update the Pages URL to avoid broken link issues. You will need to manually click the Pages tab and edit it, or edit the url_title. So an idea for future developments is to provide an option in the fieldtype to keep the entry or update everytime.

Bugs & Feature Requests

Issue tracker

Before reporting bugs or requesting any features, please check that it does not already exist.

Current version
