
Finds subfields from ACF and feeds them to the Relevanssi indexer so they're findable in search

Primary LanguagePHP

Relevanssi: add ACF subfields to index

  • Contributors: cftp
  • Requires at least: 3.6.1
  • Tested up to: 3.6.1
  • Stable tag: 0.2

Finds subfields from ACF and feeds them to the Relevanssi indexer so they're findable in search.


Finds subfields from ACF and feeds them to the Relevanssi indexer so they're findable in search.

To have an ACF subfield, e.g. a Repeater, indexed, do this:

  1. Go to the Relevanssi options
  2. Scroll to "custom fields to index"
  3. Add your fields in the format [field_name]_%_[subfield_name], e.g. sections_%_section_text
  4. Select "Build the Index", to recreate your Relevanssi index



  • BUGFIX: Fix typo in hook


  • First release