
MIRROR: Script to update docker services based on environment variables, to simplify gitlab CD automation. // Contribute at https://gitlab.ethz.ch/amiv/service-update-helper

Primary LanguagePython

Cluster Service Update Helper

This script handles everything needed to trigger a forced update of a service, (which also causes nodes to pull new images, e.g. newer 'latest' images) and can be configured with environment variables:

  • CI_DEPLOY_URL: The URL of the Service-Update-Helper-Service
  • CI_DEPLOY_TOKEN: authorization token
  • CI_DEPLOY_SERVICE: name of the service to update

Exit Codes:

  • 0: Update triggered with success.
  • 1: Missing environment variables
  • 2: Service-Update-Helper-Service is not reachable (maybe URL is invalid?)
  • 3: Invalid authorization token
  • 4: No permission to update the given service
  • 5: Service not found
  • 6: Update failed