
Easily create an oauth-authenticated tumblr client.

Primary LanguageRuby


Easily create an oauth-authenticated tumblr client.


This module makes it easy to complete the 3-legged oauth process from the command line. It walks you through getting your oauth token & secret, writes them to a config file for later use, and gives you an authenticated Tumblr client to use. It uses the excellent "tumblr_client" gem so please refer to its documentation for more on what you can do with it.


Install the necessary gems:

%> bundle install

Create the config file (using the sample):

%> cp config.sample.yaml config.yaml

NOTE: Make sure your config file is writable by you (or your app) so that it can store the oauth token & secret for you.

Go to http://www.tumblr.com/oauth/apps to get the consumer key & consumer secret for your app.

Plug these values into the config.yaml file



See "sample.rb" for a sample app.

#require the module-file
require './tumblr_auth.rb'

#create a new client using the module's "get_authenticated_client" method
client = TumblrAuth::get_authenticated_client

#do something with it...
puts client.info