
Primary LanguageShell

GitOps repository for kubernetes cluster

Applications & Projects

Application Description Status
Default Project, umbrella app-of-apps applications
System System app of apps system_status
Apps Main app of apps apps_status
System Project, cluster system applications
ArgoCD GitOps tool for Kubernetes argocd_status
Cert-Manager Certificate Management cert-manager_status
Cilium Cluster CNI plugin cilium_status
Grafana-Operator Grafana Operator grafana-op_status
Grafana Grafana grafana_status
Ingress-Nginx Ingress Controller ingress-nginx_status
Kube-Api Kube API exposed via ingress kube-api_status
Kube-State-Metrics Kubernetes Metrics ksm_status
Local-Path-Provisioner Rancher Local-Path local-path_status
Loki   loki_status
Promtail   promtail_status
Prometheus-node-exporter Node exporter pne_status
Victoria-Metrics-Operator Victoria Metrics Operator vm-op_status
Victoria-Metrics Victoria Metrics vm_status
victoria-metrics-k8s-stack Kubernetes Monitoring Stack vmks_status
Apps Project, user level applications
Oauth2-proxy Oauth2 Proxy oauth2-proxy_status
SSHCT Personal container with ssh sshct_status
Websites websites_status

Cluster initialization

Single node cluster.

OS: Debian 11

Cluster created with kubeadm https://kubernetes.io/docs/setup/production-environment/tools/kubeadm/create-cluster-kubeadm/

ArgoCD bootstrap

  • Create ssh key for argocd, f.e. ssh-keygen -f .ssh/argocd.ioot.xyz

  • Add pub key .ssh/argocd.ioot.xyz.pub to https://github.com/amkartashov/gf-k8s/settings/keys/new

  • Run bootstrap script scripts/bootstrap.sh -k gullfaxi -e gullfaxi

  • Add git repo:

    argocd login --grpc-web argocd.ioot.xyz --sso
    argocd repo add git@github.com:amkartashov/gf-k8s --ssh-private-key-path ~/.ssh/argocd.ioot.xyz
  • Create new Oauth application https://github.com/settings/applications/new:

    • Application name: oauth2.ioot.xyz

    • Homepage URL: https://oauth2.ioot.xyz

    • Authorization callback URL: https://oauth2.ioot.xyz/oauth2/callback

    • Update oauth2-proxy client id, secret and cookie secret:

      argocd app set argocd/oauth2-proxy --parameter config.clientID REPLACE
      argocd app set argocd/oauth2-proxy --parameter config.clientSecret REPLACE
      argocd app set argocd/oauth2-proxy --parameter config.cookieSecret `pwgen -1 32`
  • Create new Oauth application https://github.com/settings/applications/new:

    • Application name: argocd.ioot.xyz

    • Homepage URL: https://argocd.ioot.xyz/

    • Authorization callback URL: https://argocd.ioot.xyz/api/dex/callback

    • Update dex client id and secret:

      kubectl --context gullfaxi -n argocd patch secret argocd-secret \
      --patch='{"stringData": {
        "dex.github.clientId": "REPLACE",
        "dex.github.clientSecret": "REPLACE"
  • Create new Oauth application https://github.com/settings/applications/new:

    • Application name: grafana.ioot.xyz

    • Homepage URL: https://grafana.ioot.xyz/

    • Authorization callback URL: https://grafana.ioot.xyz/login/github

    • Update client secret and admin password:

      argocd app set argocd/grafana --parameter githubClientSecret=REPLACE
      argocd app set argocd/grafana --parameter adminPassword=`pwgen -1 12`
  • Create new Oauth application https://github.com/settings/applications/new:

    • Application name: git.ioot.xyz

    • Homepage URL: https://git.ioot.xyz/

    • Authorization callback URL: https://git.ioot.xyz/user/oauth2/GitHub/callback

    • Update client secret and admin password:

      argocd app set argocd/forgejo --parameter 'gitea.oauth[0].key=REPLACE'
      argocd app set argocd/forgejo --parameter 'gitea.oauth[0].secret=REPLACE'
      argocd app set argocd/forgejo --parameter gitea.admin.password=`pwgen -1 12`
      argocd app set argocd/forgejo --parameter gitea.config.database.PASSWD=$(\
        kubectl --context gullfaxi -n forgejo get secret \
        postgresql-app -o jsonpath='{.data.password}' \
        | base64 -d \
  • Remove secret kubectl --context gullfaxi -n argocd delete secret argocd-initial-admin-secret.

Passing Sensitive Parameters in ArgoCD apps

Used methods:

  • manually creating K8s secrets

    F.e. this way is used to configure repo secret in argocd.

  • manually updating K8s secrets

    F.e. this way is used to configure GitHub Oauth App client secret.

  • modifying helm parameters in application

    F.e. this is done for Oauth2 Proxy application.

ArgoCD application types which can be used

Directory Application

Helm Applications

Helm Application with Embedded Values

Helm Application with Values from Git

Helm Application with Additional Manifests from Git