
Static hosting of automatically versioned badges for all Nim packages correctly released on Nimble. Relies on GitHub Actions and updates every 12 hours.

Primary LanguageNim

Nimble Badge

Hi! This fork of @yglukhov's nimble-tag repository extends the original graphical design by Amy Shaw (in this PR). It (1) adds versioning to the badge, (2) embeds a hyperlink to the reposiotry into the SVG, (3) automates the process with a small pure-Nim tool processor.nim I wrote, and (4) statically hosts badges for all Nimble packages under badges (updated every 12h). Unsolicited feedback, pull requests, and forking are encouraged 😊

Manual Deployment

The processor.nim script lets you quickly deploy a versioned badge with the -d option.

    nim c -r processor.nim -d "2023.11.1"

Which creates versionedBadge.svg file you can quickly embed

    <img src="versionedBadge.svg" height="24">

Alternatively, you can also change it to whatever you desire by opening the raw SVG at this repository root with a text editor and replacing the v1.11.11 with your version. Or whatever else you want! You can also replace it with your package name to attach it to some larger project badges indicating Nim was used. Then simply include it in your HTML (or HTML in Markdown)

Automatic Versioning Deployment

I played a bit with automating the process for people relying on a small script written in, obviously, Nim, utilized in GitHub Actions. I got to the point where it seems both pretty usable and stable. In short, during the workflow, nim-lang/packages submodule is updated, and its packages.json is parsed to obtain links to all Nimble repositories. Then I iterate to (1) get name version string from the latest tag of each repository, (2) adjust the version string in SVG, (3) adjust its position, (4) store the result in /badges under <<name>>.svg. Git is then used to automatically detect diff (changes) and commit new/updated badges.

Note: The tag name/version is obtained with a call to GitHub API, which has an hourly rate limit (on the free tier), so the script runs with a scope of 500. It runs twice a day (1,2,3,4,5,6 am/pm UTC) on the first 3,000 Nimble packages (there are 2,264 as of September 2023), but can be quickly extended to 6,000.

To use it simply replace below <<name>> with your Nimble package name

    <img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/amkrajewski/nimble-badge/master/badges/<<name>>.svg" height="24">

Host a Mirror

To host a mirror of this repository, you can simply (1) fork it, (2) allow Actions, and (3) make sure they have write permissions to the repositoy. Done! The rest should be all automatic based on the schedule! You can trigger them manually as well.

Some Examples

  • nim:                
  • nimble:            
  • inim:                 
  • arraymancer

Current Status:

Last Run Success/Fail:  Everyday at 1am pm

Last Updated:                 GitHub last commit (branch)


  • Currently, version is obtained through API calls to GitHub or GitLab, so only these are supported. Please do a PR if you would like to add handling of additional repo hosting platforms.
  • Aliases are skipped and will not show up in badges for conciseness.
  • .nimble files are not parsed, and the version stored in them is ignored. This is intended behavior established by nimble per their contribution requirements, which requires you to git tag your release.
  • As of September 2023, when iterating over packages.json, around half of the packages do not resolve the version using the procedure described above. By far, the majority of misses are because git tags are missing from the repo, despite nimble requirements.
  • Ocassionally, e.g. neverwinter.nim, I noticed that the tags returned with GitHub API are behind what the web page returns. No idea why, beyond that, maybe . interferes with API, and I would appreciate some insight.
  • Packages living in a subdirectory, such as those in nim-lang/graveyard are currently not implemented, as they tend to be deprecated versions or smaller parts of larger tools, but could be if there is a need.
  • If you wonder why your badge is missing and this README is not helping, please first go through the last workflow printouts you can find under Actions > Everyday at Xam pm > <<last run>> > generateBadges > Generate Badges. The package should be under one of the X workers.
  • I know the replacing charcaters at a priori known positions can be done faster than with regex running every time, but it insignificant overhead here, while (1) keeping things clean and (2) allowing people forking to simply tune style of the base SVG to their needs without processor.nim modifications.
  • Unsolicited feedback, pull requests, and forking are encouraged 😊

Alternative Fonts:

Big thanks to @dissolvedgirl on Nim Discord who brought to my attention that the badge renders neither correctly nor pretty on systems with no PT Sans Caption installed. I've noticed it also happens on, for instance, iPhones. I've tested alternatives (see withDifferentFonts directory) and a quick fix I implemented is the following list of typeface fallbacks embedded in the badge:

  1. PT Sans Caption: (original)
  2. Tahoma:
  3. Helvetica Neue Medium:
  4. PT Sans:
  5. (system sans-serif fallback):
  6. (plain default font):