
Helm charts for deploying services

Primary LanguageSmarty

Ticc AML Helm Chart Repo

Test 'raw' chart

From the root directory of a service:

helm upgrade --install SERVICE ../charts/microservice --values ./.circleci/helm-values.yaml --dry-run

Auto publish chart (Default process)

Whenever a commit or pull request to master branch (README.md excluded) will trigger a Github action which will automatically package chart and publish it to the gh-pages branch.

Alternatively, you can follow the steps below to mannually publish the chart.

Package chart

Once a chart has been created and tested it can be packaged and added to the chart repo.

Package a chart from the project root:

helm package CHART_NAME

e.g. helm package service

Update the repo index (using the GitHub pages URL):

helm repo index . --url https://credibil.github.io/charts/

Update repo

The chart repo is hosted using GitHub Pages (on gh-pages branch).

To upload new or updated artefacts from the previous step, switch to the gh-pages branch and add the artefacts.

For example, upload microservice-1.tgz and index.yaml from the previous step.

Using a chart

Add the remote repo to your local repo:

helm repo add credibil https://credibil.github.io/charts/

Do a "dry run" deploy:

helm upgrade --install SERVICE service --repo https://credibil.github.io/charts/ --values values.yaml --dry-run