
Jquery additions to bucket-list app

Primary LanguageRuby


Rails w/ jQuery Web App Project


Fork/clone the repo, then simply run 'bundle install' in your terminal (once in the proper directory). To create the database, run 'rake db:migrate'. To re-enable Facebook login functionality, add a .env file with your own client_id and client_secret. The Devise gem is set up to allow ENV["FACEBOOK_KEY"] and ENV["FACEBOOK_SECRET"]. Running 'rails server' in the terminal will allow browsing to the index page through localhost:3000.

##Versions Runs on Ruby v 2.3.1 with Rails 5.0.1.

App Description

Bucket List App: App has three models, a User, Bucket, and Item. Users can sign up, log in/log out, create/edit/delete buckets, and add items to buckets. Only the User who created a bucket may edit/delete. Buckets have many items, belong to a single user, and items have many buckets. (Although created individually, users have the option to choose from list of already-entered items.)



##Issues If you find any issues with the code, please head on over to https://github.com/aml7733/bucket-list-jquery/issues I'll get a notification and will tend to it ASAP.


This app is available open-source under the terms of the MIT License. https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT