
Rails Redux Project

Primary LanguageJavaScript


React/Redux App with Rails Back-end Project


Fork/clone the repo, then simply run 'bundle install' in the main directory. Change directories to budget-app/client, and run npm install. To create the database, run 'rake db:migrate' in the terminal. If you'd like a few seed items, run 'rake db:seed' afterward. Since this is a front and back end project, you'll have to run two servers. I've set up a rake task to do this for you: run 'rake start' to begin running two servers via the foreman gem. The front end will run on port 3000, and the rails back end on port 3001.

##Versions For back end versions, see Gemfile in the budget-app directory. For front-end versions, see package.json in budget-app/client.

App Description

Budge Budget App: A simple budgeting app which persists changes in a rails activerecord database. User can view items, add items, and delete items. A total will populate each time the assets/liabilities render.



##Issues If you find any issues with the code, please head on over to https://github.com/aml7733/bucket-list-jquery/issues I'll get a notification and will tend to it ASAP.


This app is available open-source under the terms of the MIT License. https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT